Americans are eating less healthfully [1] this year compared with last year, according to a new report from Gallup-Healthways researchers.

A lower percentage of Americans reported eating healthfully "yesterday" every month this year, versus the same months last year. For example, 64.5 percent of Americans said they ate healthy all day yesterday in October this year, compared with 67.1 percent in October 2012.

healthy eating

In addition, produce consumption also seemed to be down in 2013 compared with 2012.

"Both healthy eating and produce consumption tend to decrease in November and December, likely attributable to Americans' indulging during the holiday season," the researches wrote in the report. "As the U.S. obesity rate continues to increase across almost all demographic groups, it is critical that Americans begin to eat healthier and exercise more."

The findings are based on 150,600 phone interviews conducted between January and October of this year.