
Recharge your daily run with the help of this app that uses music to help you pick up the pace.

By Abbe Wright

The App: Cruise Control: Run

$5; iTunes.com [1]

Meet Your New Playlist

No more off-tempo beats or slow-song lulls: The app analyzes your iTunes library and extracts only high-energy tracks with ideal tempos for your stride, then can speed them up or slow them down to match your footfalls.

Personalize Your Stride

Aiming to conquer a seven-minute mile? The pace feature matches songs to your target speed and automatically changes the BPM to get you there -- all you have to do is run to the rhythm. If heart rate is more of a concern, the music can also push you to reach that goal.

Track Your Progress

The app logs your time, speed, distance, even calories burned, and provides stats (complete with a map of your route) so you can monitor your improvement. Share your mileage -- and the songs that spurred your latest runner's high -- on Facebook.

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