Men and women's average stress levels may be roughly on par with each other, but the physical and psychological toll of long-term stress on men and women is quite different.

In addition to the numerous health impacts of stress experienced by both sexes, tension and anxiety can also take a unique toll on the male mind and body, starting with the immediate stress response. While stress tends to activate the "tend and befriend" response in women, men have been found to react to stress more with the aggressive "fight or flight" response, according to one study.

"When the fight or flight response is activated [in both sexes], our bodies go into emergency mode and take care of immediate and acute needs, focusing on getting energy to the muscles, and we don't take care of the longer-term needs of the body," Christy Matta, MA, author of "The Stress Response," tells the Huffington Post. "We shut down things like our immune systems, reproductive systems ... It does suppress the release of testosterone and it suppresses other reproductive systems. The wear and tear on the body is severe from repeated stress."

So in honor of National Men's Health Week (which concludes on Father's Day this Sunday), scroll through the list below for seven important health reasons for men to de-stress.

1. Decreased Facial Attractiveness

The male hormone testosterone has been linked with a strong immune system and facial attractiveness in men. A University of Aberdeen study in which women ranked the attractiveness of 94 men found that those with higher testosterone and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol had higher immune system responses, and were deemed the most attractive, reported. Men with higher cortisol levels, in turn, were deemed less attractive. Cortisol, the study suggests, may play a role in blocking testosterone's appeal to potential mates.

2. Early Heart Disease Risk As A Result Of Inherited Stress

An extensive body of research has established that stress is a risk factor in the development of heart disease, and inherited stress can also increase the risk of early heart disease. Recently, a Henry Ford Hospital study found that men with a family history of heart disease had a diagnosis of heart disease an average of 12 years earlier than those without a family history. They were also more likely to have a higher stress symptom score (an evaluation based on worry, impatience, anger and other symptoms) than men without a family history of heart disease -- suggesting that the propensity to get stressed may be, to some degree, inherited.

“Depression and stress are known risk factors for heart disease, and they both have strong heritibility,” lead author Mark W. Ketterer, Ph.D., of Henry Ford Hospital’s Department of Behavioral Health, said in a press release. “None of the other risk factors, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, were shown to have a significant familial link in this group. Therefore, it’s likely that men who have an early onset of heart disease might have a genetic predisposition to stress, which causes the heart disease.”

3. Leaves A Mark On Sperm & Offspring Development

Here's a big incentive for future fathers to start de-stressing now: Research in animals suggests that chronic stress could result in gene expression changes to dad's sperm -- and those changes could manifest in his offspring in the form of a muted reaction to stress.

"It didn't matter if dads were going through puberty or in adulthood when stressed before they mated. We've shown here for the first time that stress can produce long-term changes to sperm that reprogram the offspring HPA stress axis regulation," lead researcher Tracy L. Bale, Ph.D., said in a university press release. "These findings suggest one way in which paternal-stress exposure may be linked to such neuropsychiatric diseases."

4. Accelerates Prostate Cancer Development.

A recent study on mice found chronic stress to accelerate the development of prostate cancer, suggesting that prostate cancer patients could benefit from stress reduction as part of their treatment.

University of California studies have demonstrated that stress management can yield positive results in men with prostate cancer.

5. Erectile Dysfunction.

According to WebMD, 10 to 20 percent of all cases of erectile dysfunction (ED) are linked to psychological factors like stress, anxiety and depression. Robert M. Sapolsky, Ph.D., professor of neurology at Stanford, explained that turning on the parasympathetic nervous system (also known as the "relax and renew" system) is essential for arousal -- but when we're stressed, we're operating from the sympathetic nervous system ("fight or flight").

"You have trouble having an erection in the first place because you can't establish that parasympathetic tone," said Sapolsky in a 2012 talk for the Science of a Meaningful Life series. "[Or] you manage to have an erection ... and you accelerate the transition from parasympathetic to sympathetic, and the whole thing goes too quickly."

6. Lower Sperm Count.

Stress and anxiety could play a large role in male fertility, according to new research. Recent studies conducted in Italy, as reported by Reuters Health, found that men who were stressed ejaculated less and had a lower sperm count and concentration than those who were not under stress. Stress was also positively correlated with deformed and less mobile sperm.

7. Social Withdrawl.

The stereotype of the "strong and silent type" may actually be a picture of the male stress response. A 2010 University of Southern California study found that men who are stressed out exhibit less activity in the brain regions associated with understanding others' feelings. When placed under acute stress, the men had less of a brain response to facial expressions, especially fear and anger, whereas women had greater activity in these brain regions.

“These are the first findings to indicate that sex differences in the effects of stress on social behavior extend to one of the most basic social transactions -- processing someone else’s facial expression,” Mara Mather, director of the Emotion and Cognition Lab at USC, said in a press release. “Under stress, men tend to withdraw socially while women seek emotional support."

Both men and women can benefit from scientifically-proven stress busters like running, yoga, meditation or deep breathing. And to combat work-related stress, try these at-your-desk de-stressors to take control without leaving the office.

Also on HuffPost:

  • Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

    "The symmetry we experience in practicing balancing poses helps us turn away from the mind's business and towards the body's recalibration and healing," says Brower. The Eagle Pose can be particularly beneficial for quieting the mind and bringing the attention to the body. Try holding standing pose for 30-60 seconds on each side.

  • Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana)

    Headstand can help ease anxiety by reversing the blood flow and forcing you to focus on the breath and the body in the present moment, wellness expert <a href="" target="_blank">Dr. Terri Kennedy</a> tells the Huffington Post. It may look challenging, but even beginner yogis can practice a modified version with the help of an instructor. "It's surprisingly accessible to many people because you can do it in many ways," she says. "You can do it against the wall to start."

  • Child's Pose (Balasana)

    One of the quintessential resting poses of any yoga practice, Child's Pose -- which involves sitting on the knees and bending forward with arms forward or by your side -- can be very comforting and self-soothing. "Lying on my belly helps me a lot when I feel anxious," says Brower. "Child's pose helps us turn inside and slow our minds down."

  • Corpse Pose (Savasana)

    At the end of your practice -- or anytime you're feeling overwhelmed -- try lying down flat on your back, with your arms at your sides, and simply focusing on the breath for one to 10 minutes. "Corpse is the ultimate in terms of relaxation -- it really allows the body to sink down into the ground, and it's easier to tune into the breath when you're lying on the back and watching the belly rise up and down," Kennedy says.

  • Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

    To quiet the mind and cultivate focused awareness, try the Half Moon Pose, a balancing posture with one leg raised 90 degrees and one hand on the floor or on a block. "Balancing poses take our attention off of the mind and into the body," Brower says.

  • Supported Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)

    Inversions like headstand and shoulder stand can help you to get out of the "monkey mind" by putting you in a completely different position than your normal life, Kennedy says. "Inversions in general turn things upside down," she explains. "Stress and anxiety are more of a <em>perception </em>of danger and unease, and when you can get out of your mind -- literally -- that helps."

  • Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

    Before moving on to the Eagle and Half Moon balancing poses, beginners should start with Tree Pose, a basic standing balance to help calm a racing mind and induce concentration. "Balancing poses force you to be honest about where you are currently, and they force you to pay attention to where you are," Kennedy says. "If you're in a tree pose and your mind is wandering, you'll know it -- you'll fall over."

  • Legs Up The Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

    Kennedy recommends Legs Up The Wall pose as a simple but effective anxiety-busting posture for beginners that can help you to escape the "thinking mind." "You don't have to be so flexible or so strong, and yet it's very relaxing and very calming for the nervous system," she says.

  • Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

    Forward bends are excellent for calming our nervous system, according to Brower. The posture provides a release of the upper body and soothes the mind through gentle inversion either when practiced on its own or between poses.

  • Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

    Yoga Journal <a href="" target="_blank">recommends </a>Fish Pose for fatigue and anxiety relief, as well as gentle back and shoulder stretching. Beginners may want to place a thickly-folded blanket beneath the head for neck support if they are experiencing any discomfort.