On Wednesday, MSNBC's "Morning Joe" panel discussed comments Arianna made in a recent blog post[1] about her "unplugging challenge."

In her post, Arianna shared that she was challenging herself to go a full week without technology.

Next week, Cindi [Leive], Mika [Brzezinski, the co-host of Morning Joe] and I will be taking the same approach to a different problem, and we hope you'll join us on our Unplugging Challenge, from Monday, Dec. 23, through Sunday, Dec. 29. For me, that means no TV, no social media, and limiting myself to two email check-ins a day with our HuffPost editors on the three days of that week that our office will be open.

Brzezinski joked, "My entire family is convinced I can't do it."

On a more serious note, she said, "I think the brain has become addicted to the constant checking and the constant changing."

Watch the full clip above and let us know if you're planning on unplugging for the holidays in the comments section.