By Jessica Smith[1] for

We get it -- your holiday guests are sleeping downstairs, you've still got last-minute shopping and baking to do -- who has time for a workout? With this routine, you do! This program packs a total-body strength and cardio routine in just seven minutes flat. Plus, it's quiet and works in small spaces (like your currently overcrowded house).

How it works: This efficient circuit keeps the heart rate up for both toning and a cardiovascular workout. The warm-up is built in to the total time of the program. Do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) with good form for 1 minute of each exercise, back to back, with little to no rest in between -- and then you're done!

You will need: Free weights

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  • Walk Out Pushups

    <strong>A</strong>: Stand with feet hip width, arms by sides. Bend knees and reach arms to floor, pressing palms flat against the ground. Engage abs and walk hands out to a full pushup position (avoid shifting hips side to side), with hands slightly wider than shoulder width. <strong>B</strong>: Lower into a pushup (modify on knees if needed), extend arms and bend knees to walk hands back in, stand up to return to start. (Make the walk out easier by bending knees; make it more challenging by keeping legs straight). <strong>Sets:</strong> 1 <strong>Reps:</strong> AMRAP for 1 minute

  • Sumo Squat And Curl

    <strong>A</strong>: Stand with feet wider than hip width, with knees and toes slightly turned out, holding dumbbells. Bend knees and lower into a deep squat, pushing hips back and hinging slightly forward from hips (spine should remain naturally straight), reaching arms to the floor. <strong>B</strong>: Press through legs to straighten, curl arms into body, with palms facing in and elbows by sides, standing tall with shoulders over hips. Return to squat position and repeat. <strong>Sets:</strong> 1 <strong>Reps:</strong> AMRAP for 1 minute

  • Rear Lunge Row

    <strong>A</strong>: Stand with feet together, arms by sides holding dumbbells. <strong>B</strong>: Step right leg back and lower into a lunge, hinging slightly forward from hips keeping spine naturally straight, as left arm rows back behind body and right arm reaches to left foot (keep abs in tight and allow torso to twist slightly as arm rows back). Return to start; repeat on opposite side. <strong>Sets:</strong> 1 <strong>Reps:</strong> AMRAP for 1 minute

  • Triceps Pushup To Plank

    <strong>A</strong>: Begin in a modified pushup position with hands shoulder width, knees bent and together. Lower into a triceps pushup by bringing chest as close to the floor as possible with elbows in tight by sides (make it harder by staying on toes for pushup). <strong>B</strong>: Extend arms and quickly straighten legs out into a full plank position. Keeping abs in tight, rotate body to the left as left arm extends up over shoulder, stacking hips and feet into a full side plank position. Return to start; repeat on opposite side. <strong>Sets:</strong> 1 <strong>Reps:</strong> AMRAP for 1 minute

  • Balancing Deadlift

    <strong>A</strong>: Stand with feet together, knees slightly bent, holding dumbbells with palms facing thighs. <strong>B</strong>: Engage abs and hinge forward from hips as left leg extends back behind hip, reaching arms to the floor (try to make a straight line from left foot to head). Return to start; repeat on opposite side. <strong>Sets:</strong> 1 <strong>Reps:</strong> AMRAP for 1 minute

  • Pulldown Crunch

    <strong>A</strong>: Stand tall with abs engaged, feet slightly wider than hip width, arms extended overhead, holding weights with palms facing in. <strong>B</strong>: Bend right arm as left knee lifts up and across to elbow, turning torso to the left, trying to touch arm to knee. Return to start; repeat on opposite side. <strong>Sets:</strong> 1 <strong>Reps:</strong> AMRAP for 1 minute

  • Chest Fly Zip Up

    <strong>A</strong>: Lie face-up with legs crossed (as if sitting cross legged), with arms extended to sides of shoulders, elbows slightly bent, holding dumbbells with palms facing up. Keeping legs crossed, lift legs off the floor (keep legs as low as possible without lifting lower back off the floor). <strong>B</strong>: Engage abs and close arms above chest (imagine hugging a large beach ball) as legs draw in, bringing knees to the outside of elbows. Focus on "zipping in" the muscles from the pelvic floor up to the belly button. Return to start, keeping legs slightly off the floor. <strong>Sets:</strong> 1 <strong>Reps:</strong> AMRAP for 1 minute

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