Every year, the question looms: What are you going to do on New Year's Eve? You could party 'til dawn...or you could just take the easy way out and skip the whole thing. After all, that's what 54% of Americans will do[1] this year. Here's why they have the right idea:

1. No "Woo Girls"

2. You won't have to go out in the cold.

3. You won't be forced to pay 3x the normal prices at restaurants.

4. No cheap champagne. (Unless you're into that.)

5. No awkward midnight kisses.

6. You can wear your comfortable clothes.

7. If you're single: No walk of shame on January 1.

8. If you've got kids: You won't need to find a babysitter.

9. You won't have to risk the roads.

10. You could just catch up on your sleep instead.

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  • "I think your house is haunted."

    Here's what they'll think: Oh, really? I thought those weird noises were just coming from my neighbors' place, but thanks, now I won't be able to sleep for days.

  • "I think I saw a mouse."

    No one wants to hear this because, if it's true, they'll have to deal with these unwanted critters all by themselves and believe us, that's not fun.

  • "You still have time to find somebody."

    Moving out on your own in no way, shape or form indicates that you've given up on love -- so please, don't insinuate that.

  • "Aren't you afraid someone will break in? [Insert grisly story heard on the news once]"

    Sure this thought crosses everyone's mind, even when you're living with a bunch of roommates. But it's particularly nerve-wracking when you're alone because all you'll think about is fending an intruder off -- by yourself.

  • "Oh, it must be so nice and quiet..."

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  • "Don't you get lonely?"

    Their thoughts: Not any more lonely than when I had roommates who I never saw because of our conflicting schedules.

  • "This might be a good time to stop watching Law & Order SVU."

    Yes, this show is all about murders and other horrible crimes but luckily, most people have a decent grip on reality and understand that this is just a television show.

  • "Are You Afraid Your Cat Will Smother You?"

    No -- just no.