When Denise Southwood thinks of her son the words energetic, curious, and "10 going on 40" come to mind.

That's because it's not every day that a 4 going on 5-year-old boy asks to grow out his hair for Pantene Beautiful Lengths[1] -- the 7-year-old program that makes wigs for cancer patients out of donated hair. But Colin did.

Denise thinks he was inspired by the St. Jude commercials he saw at the time, and his own family members -- a grandmother, two great-grandparents, a teacher at school -- who were diagnosed with cancer.

He spent the next five years growing his hair.


He was mistaken for a girl several times, Denise told HuffPost, but says her son handled himself with grace and stuck to his goal.

"I'm proud that he came to this decision by himself. I get choked up really thinking about it," she said.

And finally, in May of this year, the now 10-year-old decided his hair was long enough to cut. He went to the salon and chopped off 13 inches to donate.

colin after cut

That day, he wrote a letter about his hair:


"He's a good-hearted kid," Denise said. So good, that he's already growing out his hair for another donation.

Earlier on HuffPost:

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  • Jeff Hanson

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  • Evan Moss

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  • Sam Maden

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    <strong>WATCH:</strong> Sam get the honor of announcing "Play ball!" at a Red Sox game.

  • Taylor and Kennedy Everson

    After spending the summer in Kenya, Montclair twins Taylor and Kennedy Everson decided to dedicate their ninth birthdays to raising money to adopt a village in Africa. The budding activists collected $2,650 for <a href="http://www.freethechildren.com/" target="_hplink">Free the Children</a>, the most that the organization has ever received from a children's birthday party, <a href="http://kids.baristanet.com/2011/11/montclair-girls-birthday-wish-to-raise-money-for-africa/#more-22957" target="_hplink">Baristanet reports.</a> The nonprofit helps areas in need by improving schools, health clinics and building water facilities.

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  • Jill McKigney

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  • Peter Larson

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  • McClain Hermes

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  • Taylor Wilson

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