Thanksgiving barrels toward us almost as fast as the heartburn that follows. So, of course, medical folks concerned with gastrointestinal issues have designated Nov. 24-30 GERD Awareness Week, GERD being short for gastroesophageal reflux disease, a condition believed to affect 10 percent to 20 percent of us.

GERD isn't the simple heartburn anyone might experience from time to time. Rather, it's a chronic condition that if left uncontrolled can lead to an increased risk of esophageal cancer and other problems.

The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, which sponsors the awareness week, issued this list of 15 tips to help reduce GERD symptoms this holiday season:

1. Schedule an earlier meal. It's best not to eat late at night if you suffer from GERD.

2. Serve light appetizers. Fatty foods like chips, dips and cheeses are slow to empty from the stomach and more likely to aggravate symptoms.

3. Stay active. Stick with your exercise routine during the holidays. Weight loss can help alleviate GERD symptoms.

4. Don't smoke. Nicotine weakens the muscles within your food pipe that prevent back flow, or reflux, of stomach contents.

5. Nix the juice. Citrus fruits and juices, such as grapefruit, orange and tomato, are acidic and can worsen GERD symptoms.

6. Season lightly. Spicy foods, as well as such things as onions and garlic, often bother those with GERD and make heartburn worse.

7. Limit your drinks. Alcohol can worsen reflux.

8. Pass on deep-frying your turkey. Fried foods exacerbate GERD symptoms.

9. Use smaller plates and try eating smaller meals spread throughout the day. Eating large meals can trigger symptoms.

10. Drink water instead of soda. Caffeinated and carbonated beverages are notorious heartburn aggravators.

11. Watch the desserts. Chocolate often bothers those with GERD.

12. Skip the after-dinner mint. Peppermint is a heartburn irritant.

13. Slow down. Physical exertion after a meal can lead to reflux.

14. Stay awake. While the turkey might make you sleepy, fight the urge to nap. Lying down within three hours after eating can cause GERD symptoms to flare.

15. Talk to your doctor if you believe you may suffer from GERD. An accurate diagnosis is the first step to receiving the most effective treatment.

-- Katy Muldoon


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