After, perhaps the most common complaint about Obamacare is that people have to buy coverage they don’t want.

Maternity, mental health, children’s dental and prescriptions are required in the Affordable Care Act. These so-called essential benefits are often excluded from individual plans, and adding them will increase premiums by an average of 8 percent.

That’s not the big driver in rate shock, not even close. It’s guaranteed coverage for all, with no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Surcharges for age are limited, too. While these provisions open health insurance to everyone, they’re projected to increase the cost by 45 percent for some plans.

It’s a high price to pay for the young and healthy, but it’s a potential life changer for those locked out of the individual insurance market. For nearly everyone else, guaranteed access provides a safety net: If they ever lose their employer insurance, getting sick won’t mean going broke.

In the rocky rollout of the health law, this backstop has been underappreciated. The feature is crucial to bringing millions into the insurance system and establishing the principle that you cannot be denied health coverage.

That’s not an easy sell when premiums are spiking. How to explain it?

“Some are paying artificially low prices because their plans exclude sick people,” said Larry Levitt, senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Small-group plans don’t prohibit workers per se, but they use age, gender and health status in underwriting. Going forward, those screens will be eliminated or greatly reduced, so some prices will rise.

The impact varies by population and plan. Some existing policies may comply with the law, while others fall far short. Most individual plans exclude pregnancy, for example, as well as other conditions.

Cut-rate plans are a bargain until someone gets sick. The individual market is considered the most dysfunctional, and small-group plans have had trouble, too. So most insurance reforms target them.

Together, those plans cover 2.2 million Texans, about 8 percent of the population. Most others get insurance from large employers, Medicaid and Medicare, and they’re largely unaffected by rules on guaranteed access, age bands and health underwriting.

About three-quarters of small companies in Texas are looking at higher premiums, while the rest will see a decline, said Mark Bellman, president of Texas Association of Health Underwriters.

“No one’s average,” Bellman said.

Old plans extended

In the last month, people in some states have been losing current policies and getting pricier replacements.

President Barack Obama had promised they could keep the insurance they like. So after cancellations prompted protests, he apologized and asked states and insurers to extend older policies for another year.

Some states are trying; others are refusing. In Texas, many in the individual and small group market are renewing plans by December to avoid paying more for next year’s upgrades.

All this prolongs the transition period for the health law and relieves some pressure on the website. But there’s no escaping the price hikes ahead.

The health law standardized many features in health insurance, from covered benefits to deductibles and co-payments. This makes it easier to compare plans. But it also narrows the selection, which narrows the price range.

“I used to tell people, ‘There’s a plan here you can afford,’” said Mike Bilbrey, a Fort Worth insurance broker who sells to individuals and small companies. “Now, I’m almost embarrassed, because there aren’t many choices, and they’re expensive.”

He used to have about 25 plans from one carrier and 15 from another. Each has closer to half a dozen now, he said.

'A worse deal'

One client in the construction industry has a policy with a $10,000 deductible per person. The company pays the premium and contributes to the deductible if it’s triggered. Claims are low, because its 45 workers are largely young men who don’t use much health care.

Bilbrey said the plan doesn’t meet the new rules on cost-sharing and affordability. Slashing the deductible will send premiums soaring, and they’ll be passed on.

“Employees will get a worse deal,” Bilbrey said.

One reason is that age discounts are shrinking. Currently, it’s common for individual and small group plans to charge five times more for an older population. Some charge seven times more.

The health law limits that multiplier to 3 to 1. The effect on premiums? Men in their 20s face increases of 50 percent, while men in their 60s will pay 10 percent less, according to a study by Milliman Inc.

Other pieces of the health law are expected to reduce prices. Competition in the exchanges, tighter provider networks and a federal reimbursement plan for insurers will trim premiums.

The key counterweight comes from federal subsidies.

People earning up to four times the poverty level, which is $94,000 for a family of four, are eligible for help.

Milliman projects that those receiving subsidies will pay an average of just 40 percent of the premium for a silver plan.

Because the website awards all subsidies, it must work for people to see their actual costs.

But they should realize they’re already guaranteed access, whether they need it today or in the future.


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