Madison — In a return to form, the state Assembly closed out its last regular session day of the year Friday in the wee hours.

At center stage as Thursday slipped into Friday was a bitter debate over creating anti-abortion license plates.

Legislators implied their colleagues were disreputable, questioned their motives, complained they were all acting like schoolchildren and griped about postings on Twitter.

The Assembly mostly avoided late-night votes in 2013 despite a long history of overnight sessions.

But Thursday night the Assembly veered off its new, businesslike course and didn't wrap up its work until just after 2 a.m.

As the night stretched on, decorum fell by the wayside, though the debate was nowhere near as acrimonious as those in 2011 and 2012.

Tensions spilled over Thursday in the way they can only in a legislative body.

Rep. Josh Zepnick (D-Milwaukee) attempted to ask Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) questions, but he declined to answer.

Speaker Pro Tem Tyler August (R-Lake Geneva) admonished Zepnick to refrain from mentioning Vos by name on the floor because of a long-standing tradition of referring to lawmakers by their district numbers.

"You know why I'm not going to refrain?" Zepnick responded. "Because you guys are breaking your word. So I'm going to ask Robin Vos, I'm going to ask (Majority Leader) Bill Kramer, I'm going to ask whoever I damn please to stand up and explain your behavior to the state of Wisconsin — or get out of the way and let somebody else do the job."

August cut off Zepnick's microphone as Zepnick compared legislators to children.

The fight over the anti-abortion license plates capped a marathon session in which Republicans approved measures to reinstate Wisconsin's voter ID law, tighten early voting hours, limit the ability to recall elected officials and restrict access to the site of a proposed iron mine in the North Woods.

As the night wore on, Republicans accused Democrats of wasting time, and their patience expired just after Democrats attempted to take up a resolution to honor the victims of last year's Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut.

That resolution passed the Senate in September with unanimous support, but most Assembly Republicans blocked the measure from passing Thursday.

Just after that move, Republicans said they were abandoning a compromise on how the state would issue specialized license plates and instead advanced a bill creating a "Choose Life" plate that would funnel money to an anti-abortion group.

It passed 54-39 and now goes to the Republican-controlled Senate. Its fate there is uncertain.

Kramer blamed the breakdown in part on a tweet sent by Rep. Chris Taylor (D-Madison) questioning whether Republicans were willing to debate the anti-abortion license plate.

"You've got to be kidding me," Zepnick said when Kramer mentioned the tweet. "Are we in middle school right now?"

Republicans also found themselves exasperated at various stages.

"It's amazing to me how long people can talk without ever getting to a point," Rep. Kathleen Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls) said at one point.

The session was the last regular meeting day of the year, but lawmakers will likely be on the Assembly floor again soon because Gov. Scott Walker announced Thursday he would call a special session.



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