Kids in the southern and southeastern United States are more likely to suffer from hay fever[1] than children in other parts of the country, a new study suggests.

The study, presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology[2] , also showed that 18 percent of kids and teens across the country have hay fever.

While the exact reasons for this are unknown, researchers noted that temperature, ultraviolet index and precipitation could all play a role.

"According to the study, wetter regions with average humidity were associated with a decreased number of children with hay fever," Michael Foggs, M.D., who is the president-elect of the ACAAI, said in a statement. "The study also found areas of the south with warm temperatures and elevated UV indexes seem to harbor more hay fever sufferers[3] ."

The study is based on data from 91,642 children ages 17 and younger, who were part of the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health. States with the fewest hay fever sufferers were Montana, Vermont and Alaska.

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis[4] , produces symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose and sinus pressure, according to the Mayo Clinic. But unlike a cold, which also triggers these symptoms but is caused by a virus, hay fever is caused by allergies.

Hay fever is most common in the fall and spring, but for some people, it can be a problem year-round. The Mayo Clinic notes that seasonal triggers[5] include fungi and mold spores and pollen from trees, grass and ragweed. Year-round triggers include dust mites, dander and fungi and mold spores.

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  • Chill Out

    "The expectations of us in a day are unreasonable," says Marshall. "We work from 'can' till 'can't'; we don't have time to relax." But that constant state of stress can actually make your <a href="" target="_hplink">response to allergens worse</a>.

    "Take some time to meditate or pray or rest, whatever one does to have time for inner reflection," he suggests.

    That includes making time for sleep. "When you're fatigued, that's a stressor," he explains, creating a vicious cycle of little sleep leading to more stress leading to worse allergies, which in turn can lead to less sleep.

    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">jmayer1129</a></em>

  • Leave The Outdoors Out Of Doors

    Anything you wear or bring outside can collect pollen -- that means shoes, jackets, gloves and Fido, too. Wash his paws before he traipses pollen onto the carpet, and leave your shoes at the door.

    Marshall suggests stashing a clean change of clothes in the garage, or as close to your door as possible, so you can change and throw your pollen-covered duds into the wash (or at least tuck them away in a bag) as soon as possible, to decrease the amount of pollen you bring inside.

    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">brookpeterson</a></em>

  • Close The Windows

    As tempting as it is to welcome in spring breezes, you'll be ushering in more than just the air. Opening windows at home and in your car allows pollen to settle on furniture, fabric, clothes and more that you might not think to clean when your symptoms set in.

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Window fans can create the same problem</a>, U.S. News reports.

    Too toasty with the windows closed tight? Running the air conditioning, while pricier, is a better bet if you want to stay sniffle-free, Marshall says.

    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">Diego Torres Silvestre</a></em>

  • Wash Your Hair Before Bed

    Pollen circulating in the air can easily get trapped in your tresses -- so be sure to wash it out before spreading it to your sheets and pillowcases.

    Use gel or mousse? <a href=",,20361208_4,00.html" target="_hplink">Pollen is even more likely to get stuck</a> in those locks, reports.

    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget</a></em>

  • Wash Your Sheets

    Speaking of bedtime, it's a good idea to wash sheets and pillowcases more regularly than you might be used to when allergies are at their peak. Once a week is a good baseline. Just make sure the water is hot -- it'll <a href="" target="_hplink">kill the dust mites</a> roosting there, which can also trigger symptoms.

    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">catherine</a></em>

  • Change Your Schedule

    Pollen counts are higher at certain times of the day, like early in the morning, Marshall explains. Something as simple as switching your morning jog to an afternoon one can make a big difference, he says.

  • Eat Right

    There's little evidence to prove that eating certain foods will make you any more or less likely to have worse seasonal allergies, but maintaining a balanced diet keeps the immune system in top shape, says Marshall. "Good nutrition, good exercise, a good healthy lifestyle will go a very long way to manage symptoms," he says.

    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">Vegan Feast Catering</a></em>

  • Consider Supplements

    Herbs or nutrients taken in supplement form may provide some relief, but none has been strongly supported by definitive research, says Marshall.

    Butterbur is one possible herb to try, and <a href="" target="_hplink">grape seed extract and quercetin</a>, both found naturally in red wine, may also ease allergies, according to WebMD.

    There's some indication that getting more vitamin D could also help, says Marshall, and patients have come to him asking about vitamin C, vitamin B complexes and probiotics as well, he says.

    "If you are generally healthy, with no liver disease and no kidney disease, and not having to take any types of medicines on a regular basis, I never look down my nose and say it's a bad thing [to try supplements]," says Marshall, but it's important to discuss with your doctor first.

  • Rinse And Repeat

    It may sound a little gross, but, just like you washed it out of your hair, you might want to wash that pollen out of your nose, too. A simple saline rinse will do the trick. "It's cheap, it's easy to use, it's not habit forming and it has virtually no side effects," says Marshall.

    Buy a bottle over the counter so you have an applicator, then refill with a homemade solution of 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 12 ounces of water, he says.

  • Consider Acupuncture

    The <a href="" target="_hplink">traditional Chinese treatment</a>, while maybe not your first thought for curing the sniffles, showed promise in a small 2004 study for easing symptoms, when used <a href="" target="_hplink">in conjunction with herbal medicine</a>.

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