When trying to eat healthy, monotony is the enemy. Instead of that same old apple, reach for a stranger, prettier, nutrient-richer fruit: Dragon fruit.

Here's what you need to know about the fruit that should be at the top of your shopping list this weekend.

First of all, dragon fruit is beautiful. You kind of don’t want to eat it just because it looks so good on your kitchen counter.


Dragon fruit is often called pitaya. It grows from cacti.

dragonfruit cactus

And has beautiful flowers...

dragonfruit flower

Dragon fruit comes in three colors -- here’s yellow:

yellow dragonfruit

No need to make a mess. It's so easy to eat, just slice in half and scoop it with a spoon. The texture is sort of like a kiwi.

Pitaya bowl

Or bite it right off the peel.


Sometimes known as pitaya, the tropical fruit is giving acai a run for its money. Companies like Pitaya Plus sell juices, smoothie packs, and even pitaya bowls.

pitaya bowl[1]

At Maui Dragon Fruit Farm on Maui, you can pick your own, and tour around via zipline or a aquaball.

maui aquaball[2]

Most important, it is really good for you: thought to be high in Vitamin C and phosphorous, low in sugar and full of antioxidants. And surprise, it's just as gorgeous inside.

dragon fruit inside[3]

Dragon fruit is grown in the US in states like Hawaii, California and Florida. Look for dragon fruit at a nearby farmer’s market or Asian market.

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  • Pineapple

    The first sign of a pineapple's ripeness is its color. It should be golden-brown, without much green color left at the base. A sweet smell also indicates this fruit's ripeness. If a pineapple doesn't give off a scent, it's not quite ripe yet. If it smells a tad vinegary, it's overripe.

  • Cantaloupe

    A ripe cantaloupe will feel heavy and smell sweet. (If the cantelope smells overly sweet chances are it's overripe.) The most dependable sign of a cantaloupe's ripeness is to slightly push at the stem end; if it gives a bit when it's ready to eat.

  • Eggplant

    Every part of the eggplant provides signs of its ripeness. The stem and cap indicate freshness. If they're bright green, the eggplant is still fresh. If it's starting to turn yellow or brown, it's past its prime. The skin of an eggplant should be deep and dark in color and free of scars or blemishes. When you put pressure on the fruit, the skin should be tight and elastic. If indentations remain were your fingertips where, <a href="http://www.howcast.com/videos/398335-How-to-Tell-if-Eggplant-is-Ripe" target="_hplink">the eggplant isn't ripe yet</a>.

  • Watermelon

    When you buy a whole watermelon, you're investing in a lot of fruit and should be sure that it's perfectly ripe. A ripe watermelon is heavy; this indicates that it's full of water.

    To check for ripeness you can tap on the watermelon. If it sounds hollow, it's ripe. Another easy way to ensure ripeness is to check the underside of a watermelon. If it has a <a href="http://mideastfood.about.com/od/tipsandtechniques/f/watermelonripe.htm" target="_hplink">yellow or light spot on the bottom</a>, it's ready to eat. If the stripes of the melon are found all around the melon, give it more time.

  • Tomato

    You can tell most tomatoes are ripe thanks to their red color. But not all tomatoes are red -- they come in orange, yellow, green and purple shades. The best way to check for ripeness is with the touch test. If it yields slightly to the touch, it's at optimal ripeness. Any more than that and it's past ripe; any less, and it needs a couple more days.

  • Mango

    The color of a mango is not indicative of ripeness. The only way to know when mango is ready to eat is by touch. If it gives slightly to touch, it's ready. Sometimes the mango will also give off a fruity aroma at its stem end when ripe.

  • Corn

    The best way to tell when corn is good to eat is through its husk. If the husk is green and hasn't yet dried out, the corn is still ripe. Corn's silk threads are also indicative of ripeness; they should cling to the kernels. And the kernels should be plump.

  • Strawberries

    You can tell a strawberry is ripe by its scent -- it should smell exactly like you want it to taste. They should also be bright red and free of blemishes.

  • Honey Dew

    Unlike cantaloupe, you can tell a honeydew melon is ripe by the appearance of its skin. It should be waxy and smooth with a golden -- not yellow -- color.

  • Avocado

    Since not all avocado varieties look the same when ripe (some of them, like Hass avocados, turn dark purple when ripe and others remain light green), the best way to check for ripeness is through touch. An avocado should give slightly to touch when ripe. Use your palm to test for ripeness. If you test with your fingers, you may bruise the fruit.

  • Peaches

    When peaches are ripe they turn a reddish and yellowish color. The part of the peach that was in direct contact with the sun becomes red, and the part facing away -- what is known as the ground color -- becomes yellow. When perfectly ripe, a peach will give slightly to touch and will smell as a peach should taste.

  • Plums

    You can't judge a plum by its color. Some varieties start off the same deep purple color when they first begin to grow on the tree as they are when ripe. When looking for ripeness in a plum you want a slightly soft and smooth skin. Skip any that are wrinkled, hard or mushy.