Watching too much TV isn't great for kids[1] , but in this case, it saved a life.

According to KABC[2] , 7-year-old Amira Thorton saved her mom, Jennifer, from choking to death by using the Heimlich Maneuver -- a move she learned by watching the 1993 Robin Williams comedy[3] , Mrs. Doubtfire (and also, from her grandfather who taught her exactly how to do it).

For those who don't remember the movie, which turns 20 years old this month (!), the scene that stuck with Amira is one in which Robin Williams, dressed in drag, runs over and performs the technique on another character[4] . Great for humor, yes, but also exactly what Amira needed to remember to do when she heard a weird nose coming from the kitchen -- her mother choking on a sausage.

"I picked her up three times," the young hero told KABC[5] .

Click over to KABC for the full story. [6]

And Amira isn't the first child to save a life, thanks to skills she learned on TV. Last June, 7-year-old William Ruhno saved his friend from choking on a pretzel[7] . According to News 12, he remembered the Heimlich from Sesame Street, and performed it just in time to save his friend's life.

So, time to set those DVRs?

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