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Developing Obamacare's Health Care Exchanges Has Cost More Than Apple's Original iPhone

Forbes Healthcare Summit: A Checkup For Obamacare

What The Obamacare Haters Don't Want You To Know About Exchange Successes -- And Why They Don't Want You To Know It

Surge Of Employer Health Exchanges Is No 'Passing Fad'

The debacle of the roll out of the ACA’s health care exchanges continues and the more we learn about it all the more and more obvious it becomes that some or many people need to be fired over this. The stories coming out are indicating the the people responsible for the exchanges were simply delusional about what this scale and level of technology requires.

Please note, I’m not talking about the ACA itself here: I wasn’t and am not a supporter of it thinking that there are much better ways of reforming American health care. And I do indeed agree that reform was and is desirable. I am talking purely here of the technical implementation of those health care exchanges.

I noted yesterday how the most basic rules of software development were violated in this process. Failing, for example, to have a decent design before work started. Having specifications turning up in the middle, even towards the end, of the development process. But now we’re hearing even worse:

Federal officials did not permit testing of the Obamacare website or issue final system requirements until four to six days before its Oct. 1 launch, according to an individual with direct knowledge of the project.

For those of you (the vast majority, and why should you have to know about such things?) who don’t understand software development that it simply an absurdity. Four to six days of testing before going live is what you do on a sales and booking system for a small country house hotel. Not what you provide for a much more complex system you’re expecting millions of people to use:

“Normally a system this size would need 4-6 months of testing and performance tuning, not 4-6 days,” the individual said.

Quite. And this is just as bad:

The source said there were “ever-changing, conflicting and exceedingly late project directions. The actual system requirements for Oct. 1 were changing up until the week before,” the individual said.

The individual described the project as suffering from a “lack of an end-to-end business and technology vision for the project,” adding that “the hardest part of any technology project is not the technology — it is the business process decisions, what is the system supposed to do and how it will it do it.”

Absolutely correct. You’ve got to, as your very first step, define what the business process is. What information is required, what is going to be done with it, by whom, how? Only then do you start to even think of drawing up a contract for the coding and implementation. Yet here we’ve got the system still being changed in its basic processes one week before launch. And then without that 16 to 20 weeks of rigorous testing that a system of such size would need.

To be honest, given this development process, it’s surprising that the system works at all: it’s almost as likely that the system would give every user bubonic plague as it is that it would provide health care insurance given these failures.

What’s worse those who were running the design and implementation of the site really just did not seem to understand what was going on:

That in turn is a powerful reminder of the fact that through the end of September key administration officials seem to have had genuinely no idea of how screwed up the technical infrastructure of the federal exchange websites was going to be. When briefing journalists about their plans to roll the program out, they were very proud of their website and felt that people were going to find it very useful and be pleasantly surprised.

They actually thought it was all going to work when it had been cobbled together in this manner. And I’m sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news but software designed and written in this manner is simply not going to work with only a week of testing. I’ve worked on ports of PC games where we did more testing than that.

Further evidence that they just hadn’t got it:

For the first month alone, the Obama administration projected that nearly a half million people would sign up for the new health insurance markets, according to an internal memo obtained by The Associated Press. But that was before the markets opened to a cascade of computer problems.

If the glitches persist and frustrated consumers give up trying, that initial goal, described as modest in the memo, could slip out of reach.

The Sept. 5 memo, for Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, lists monthly enrollment targets for each state and Washington, D.C., through March 31, the last day of the initial open enrollment period under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul.

Clearly no one had actually bothered to look at the sites themselves. Tried to work through making an application. None of those politically and financially responsible for the site had any clue as to the technical nightmare that awaited.

One of my favourite stories about Margaret Thatcher is that when the time for the census came around she sat down with a test form and filled it in herself. As a result of which several questions were dropped: Maggie having asked people why on earth the government should need to know that about people? This is something those running this program should had done themselves. Simple stuff: just tried logging on, registering and trying to shop for health care coverage. That they all thought it was going to work so close to launch shows that none of them actually did.

Again, please let me emphasise that I’m not talking about the desirability of the ACA at all. Purely and only about the technical implementation of those health care exchanges. Which was simply appalling from the design and management perspective. In the private sector this would lead to someone, someone quite senior, getting fired. As was Scott Forstall over Apple Maps: not for the bad implementation actually but for refusing to apologise about it afterwards so the story goes.

There’s also a deeper point about this. Technocratic government is indeed possible. Singapore shows us that this is true. But in order for such technocratic government to work it is necessary to have a group and class of capable technocrats doing the technocrating. On the evidence we have from this particular project that’s not something the US currently has: so perhaps it will be necessary to avoid such complex solutions, however good they look on paper, in future? Go for the simple stuff that can be managed by the bureaucracy that currently exists not the one we might like to have?


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