Are you getting your fill of fiber?

A new study of more than 23,000 people shows that those who consume low amounts of fiber[1] in their diets have a higher risk of conditions such as obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular inflammation.

In addition, researchers also found that people in the study generally consumed lower amounts of fiber than is recommended by the Institute of Medicine.

"Our findings indicate that, among a nationally representative sample of nonpregnant U.S. adults in NHANES [National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey] 1999-2010, the consumption of dietary fiber[2] was consistently below the recommended total adequate intake levels across survey years," study researcher Cheryl R. Clark, M.D., Sc.D., of the Center for Community Health and Health Equity, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, said in a statement.

Women ages 19 to 50 should get 25 grams of fiber each day, while men in the same age group should get 38 grams, according to guidelines from the Institute of Medicine. And women older than 50 should get 21 grams of fiber each day and men older than 50 should get 30.

However, the study, published in the American Journal of Medicine[3] , showed that average dietary fiber intake was 16.2 grams each day, for all age groups and genders.

Eating fiber[4] won't just protect your heart -- research has also linked consumption with a lower risk of stroke[5] , and even a longer life[6] .

Foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans are high in fiber[7] , while processed foods and refined grains are low in fiber, according to the Mayo Clinic. A cup of raspberries[8] , for instance, has 8 grams of total fiber, while an apple with skin has 4.4 grams of total fiber and a cup of lentils has 15.6 grams of total fiber.

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  • Nuts

    "Everyone always thinks of vegetables and fruits and whole grains when they think of high-fiber foods, but nuts are very impactful," says Jessica Crandall, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. For example, a quarter cup of almonds has 4 grams of fiber.
    But Crandall says she doesn't advocate one type of nut over another.
    "Each nut yields a different nutrient profile," she explains. "Add variety rather than getting burned out on one."

  • Frozen Peas

    "Another hidden source that many people don't [think of] is frozen peas," Ansel says, explaining that they're a great option to always have on hand.
    "A cup of cooked peas has about 4 grams of fiber," she continues, "and it's a really easy way to get it."

  • Chia Seeds

    "Chia seeds are a great source of fiber, because they have both soluble and insoluble fiber," says Ansel, who explains that just one tablespoon of chia seeds packs around 6 grams.
    She recommends adding them to liquid, like iced tea and waiting half an hour for them to swell up (chia seeds absorb liquid) before enjoying.
    Crandall also suggests sprinkling them in yogurt, oatmeal or rice dishes, or tossing a few in your next salad.
    Another great seed option to consider? Flax seeds, Crandall says.

  • Onions

    Ansel says that a medium onion has 2 grams of fiber, which isn't necessarily an enormous amount, but it's the <em>type</em> that matters.
    "Onions have inulin, a water-soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol and promotes regularity," she explains.
    Inulin is often added to fiber supplements, but Ansel says onions are a good natural source, as are foods like asparagus and leeks.

  • Bulgur

    "If you are going to have grains, one of the best ones you can have is bulgur wheat, which has 8 grams per cup," says Ansel.
    The key, she explains, is preparation: Cook up a batch over the weekend or after grocery shopping so it's ready to go throughout the week. You can then throw some bulgur into a salad, which will help keep you fuller, longer, or throw some into a soup.

  • Kiwis

    Ansel said that people don't often think about kiwis, which have about 2 grams of fiber and are a sweet and tangy option. The great thing about this fruit, she says, is that they're both satisfying and easy: Just a few tossed into your bag for an afternoon snack can help you hit those daily fiber recommendations.
    In the same vein (although perhaps a little bit more obvious) are berries -- particularly raspberries, thanks to their tiny seeds. Just one cup has 8 grams of fiber.

  • Apples

    When it comes to sources of fiber, apples are basically hiding in plain sight.
    "Anything with 3 grams of fiber is considered a good source of fiber, and an excellent source is anything with 5 grams," Crandall says. "An apple has about 4 grams of fiber."
    Given that, eating just one a day can really help you meet your fiber goals. Have a few and you're well on your way.