Your boss isn't the only bad guy when it comes to your stress level. Nutritionists say what we're eating is only stressing our bodies out further -- the irony is, we're often eating to relieve stress!

In the digital age, we've mostly accepted stress as a part of life rather than acknowledging it as an occasional inconvenience. It's constant and it's putting us on edge, whether we realize it or not.

A recent survey by health insurer Aetna[1] revealed that just under a quarter of people surveyed had lashed out at others as a result of stress. Commonly reported major stressors included driving, work, extended family, and romantic relationships.

Stress isn't just just wreaking havoc on our everyday mental well-being. It also can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure[2] , and lowered productivity.

"What we choose to fuel our bodies with daily is so important for every aspect of our lives. I always tell my patients, the one thing you have control over, regardless of what is happening around you, is what you eat. Choose smartly!" nutritionist and dietician Keri Gans[3] told The Huffington Post.

Here are five foods that she says are stressing you out:

Step away from the coffee

While guzzling a piping hot cup of joe might seem like a good idea first thing in the morning, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Large amounts of caffeine, whether you're drinking coffee or energy drinks, can actually cause anxiety and loss of concentration. Plus, if you're caffeine sensitive, the resulting jitters will reduce your productivity, creating stress. Stick to 16 ounces or less, if you must.

Also, consider trying black tea, which is loaded with antioxidants and contains less sugar than soft drinks, so you're less likely to crash after an initial surge of energy.

Lay off the salt

Peek at many people's lunches as you'll find things like deli meats, cheeses, and heavy condiments in sandwiches. A sandwich may seem healthy, but these ingredients are loaded with sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure. Stress already leads to hypertension[4] , so do yourself a favor, and don't make matters worse.

Avoid the vending machine

A mid-afternoon sweet treat may seem like it will get you through the last few hours of the workday, but the boost you get will be only temporary. Most junk foods like candy and cookies are full of simple carbohydrates that cause a spike in blood sugar, followed by a crash that makes you feel sluggish and tired.

Opt for snacks that provide more protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help regulate stress. Try combinations like carrots and hummus or peanut butter and apples.

Kick the fried foods habit

Fatty foods contribute to hypertension just as much as stress alone, studies have shown[5] . Fatty meals worsen the effects of stress on the heart and Gans says people often forget that fried foods aren't the only foods that are high in fat. Less obvious fatty foods include many rich dairy products, like cheese and ice cream.

Cut back on the booze

Too much alcohol isn't just bad for your liver and your looks -- the hangover can quash your productivity at work, meaning you'll have extra work to catch up on after you're done drinking your Sprite[6] .

"Alcohol is more likely associated with being "calming" after a long, stressful day, but too much of it can have the total opposite effect," Gans said. Alcohol increases cortisol, the stress hormone, which can lead to stress and weight gain too. Stick to a club soda or a mocktail.

Earlier on HuffPost50:

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  • Do Not Eat: Fried Food

    Fried food is loaded with fat and calories while offering zero nutritional value. It's a lose-lose! Sure, fries and chips TASTE good, but healthier items also taste good. Just say no to the deep fried items on your menu. You'll be thinner, healthier and won't have greasy fingers.

  • Try This Instead: Broiled

    If you simply must have a French fry, then make them at home in your oven. Use sweet potatoes, as these are a more complex carbohydrate. Cut into matchsticks, drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil along with a dash of salt, then place in your oven on broil. Turn every five minutes until the fries are tender on the inside and crispy on the outside.

  • Do Not Eat: White Bread

    White bread products have minimal nutritional value and are quickly converted by your body into sugar. So you may as well eat a cupcake. Even breads that are technically wheat, but are as soft and smooth as white bread, should be avoided. Don't be afraid to discard the bread from your sandwich or to push away that bread basket. Your waist will shrink and you'll lose that bloated feeling that high carbohydrate meals give you.

  • Try This Instead: Sprouted Grain Bread

    If you must have bread, then stick with sprouted. Sprouted grain bread is a lot easier on your digestion and is packed full of nutrients. Two delicious brands are Food For Life's Ezekiel bread, and Manna Organics. Sprouted grain breads are often kept in the freezer section since they don't contain preservatives to prolong shelf life.

  • Do Not Eat: Creamy Salad Dressing

    You were so good to order a salad, but then canceled out the low-cal benefits by drenching the salad in fattening creamy dressing. Just a few tablespoons of creamy dressing contain more than 20 grams of fat and hundreds of calories.

  • Try This Instead: Vinegar Dressing

    Vinegar-based dressings pack amazing flavor in with minimal fat and calories. You can even mix your own dressing at home. Take high quality vinegar, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper, your choice of dried herbs, and a bit of olive oil.

  • Do Not Eat: White Rice

    Just like white bread, white rice has minimal nutritional value, and the glycemic load will quickly prime your body for storing fat.

  • Try This Instead: Brown Rice

    Brown rice has three times the amount of fiber, more B vitamins as well as other nutrients and will keep you feeling fuller for longer. That should be enough to convince you to swap your large pile of white rice out for a small pile of brown rice.

  • Do Not Eat: White Sugar

    Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are the epitome of anti-fitness food. Nothing will destroy your progress, expand your waist and plummet your energy levels like sugar. If you only take away one do-not-eat food from this slideshow, please let it be sugar.

  • Try This Instead: Fruit

    Don't turn to artificial sweeteners to get your sweet fix, instead turn to nature's wholesome source of sugar: fruit. Eat organic fruit that is seasonal and locally grown. Stay away from dried fruit and fruit juices, as these are high in simple calories.