Brown University is about to play host to a week-long celebration of nudity.

The "Nudity in the Upspace" week goes from Sept. 30 to Oct. 5 on the Ivy league campus [1] in Providence, R.I. The organizers write on the Facebook page[2] the week intends to confront stigmas about the naked body and open a space space for discussions on it, with "All bodies welcome!"

So what will go on at nudity week?

On Tuesday, Oct. 1, there will be a nude yoga class[3] that promises to "stretch your body perhaps in ways that it hasn’t been stretched before." Organizers will provide mats, but ask attendees to bring a towel.

There will be nude cabaret, nude open mic night, nude body painting, personal testimonies about nudity and a panel on how issues like race and class intersect with nudity and body image.

All events will be held in the Production Workshop Upspace in one of the campus buildings. The organizers did not respond to a quest for comment from The Huffington Post, but were clear to note on the Facebook page "absolutely no phones, camera, or bags will be allowed in the space."

Students held similar events during last year's nudity week at Brown, which the creators considered a success. Camila Pacheco-Fores, a then-Brown junior, told the Brown Daily Herald[4] they wanted to discuss what's normally a social taboo.

“It’s been incredible to learn that being naked is just fun!" Pacheco-Fores told the Daily Herald in September 2012. "Penises, vaginas, boobs, butts -- body parts that used to make me feel awkward and uncomfortable before now I just see as another part of another beautiful body."

Brown's nudity event is somewhat rare among collegiate campuses. Brown already has a Sex Week[5] in March, which is not unlike similar events at other Ivy League schools like Harvard University[6] , the University of Pennsylvania[7] and Yale University -- the originator[8] of the college Sex Week.

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