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If you're planning to get ahead on next week's workload this holiday weekend, we're here to offer a really crucial word of advice: Don't.

If you really want to be productive, you'll take the three-day weekend to unplug and recharge[2] . The most successful people[3] know to use their weekend for relaxation, quality time with loved ones and -- yes -- fun.

Remind your inner workaholic that this is important for your career: When you detach from your work[4] over the weekend, you’ll actually be giving your brain the chance to recover from a stressful workweek and avoid the dreaded burnout. Come Tuesday, you'll be better prepared to tackle that inbox.

Unsure how to spend the coming days unplugged[5] ? HuffPost Healthy Living readers share some fantastic ways to enjoy their Labor Day Weekend -- sans the labor -- in the slideshow below.

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  • "Try to leave work behind completely and focus on activities that bring happiness, good company and peace."

    -Kristin Boggs

  • "Turn off all electronics."

    -Mollie Michie-Lepp

  • "Stare at the lake and find the silence."

    -Hilary Klassen

  • "Silence, relaxation therapies and long walks."

    -Chris Hodgon

  • "A good workout or yoga."

    -MB Kiser

  • "Forget the phone and computer at home and go relax in a cottage by the sea."

    -Mari Vainionpää

  • "Take one lake, add one boat and one fishing rod and soak well with sunshine."

    -Denise Helberg Snider

  • "Relax, read, meditate and chill."

    -Kris Etze

  • "A getaway somewhere in the mountains."

    -Hamida Bouazza

  • "Have no plans... be moved only by the weather and hunger."

    -Angi Hackett Ne Ghirardi

  • "The right attitude -- gratitude."

    -Lynn Krown

For more on unplugging and recharging, click here[6] .