What do Karl Marx, marijuana science and CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta have in common?

All were topics of conversation when The Huffington Post's Ryan Grim spoke to Ezra Klein[1] on MSNBC's "All In" on Thursday about Gupta's recent reversal of his stance on marijuana[2] .

In a CNN column titled "Why I changed my mind on weed[3] ," Gupta explored the discrepancy between the Drug Enforcement Administration's classification of marijuana and scientific studies supporting the drug's benefits. Gupta, who is releasing a documentary[4] on the subject, apologized for misleading the public about marijuana in the past.

"I think we've been terribly and systematically misled in this country and I did part of the misleading," said Gupta[5] . "I took the DEA at their word when they said it was a Schedule 1 substance and it has no medical applications. There was no scientific basis for them to say that."

On "All In" Thursday, Klein noted the widespread acceptance and use of marijuana -- including by a young President Barack Obama -- and criticized the Obama administration's discouragement of marijuana research.

"Has the science here actually changed?" Klein asked Grim. "When somebody like Dr. Gupta comes on, is this in reference to new findings or are we accessing old findings?"

"No, this is politics," said Grim. "[Gupta] admits that this is not the result of new science having been created. It's the result of him, he says, looking at some of the science that had been done."

In the segment, Grim and Klein discussed their predictions for marijuana law going forward, the Obama administration's crackdown on users and Karl Marx. And Klein used the word "schwaggy" on national television.

Watch it all in the clip above.

Also on HuffPost:

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  • Oakland Raised More Than $1 Million In Marijuana Tax Revenue

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  • Legal Marijuana Could Be $100 Billion Industry

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