By Jena Pincott[1]

To quote Tennyson, “In the spring, a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love[2] .” But what happens in the fall?

You Get a Pick-Me-Up

The leaves may be falling…but your libido? Expect it to rise. Autumn is the season when our levels of testosterone -- associated with sex drive—are higher than at any other time[3] , found several studies that tracked hormone levels year-round (and yes, this applies to women[4] , too). Whether the surge is the result of ancient mating instincts (other animals have a fall “rutting season”), and if it’s triggered by decreasing daylight or increased social activity -- well, it’s all scientific speculation. But for practical purposes, who cares?

You're Even More Attractive to Men

Those higher testosterone levels[5] may be behind why women have thicker waists relative to their hips -– that is, they’re less curvaceous -- in the fall than at any other time of year, -- found researchers at Simon Fraser University. (All the pumpkin pie doesn’t help the waistline, either). And yet -- here’s the welcome news -- men think women’s bodies appear more attractive in the cooler seasons, reported a study published in the journal Perception. One theory is that the testosterone rise makes guys more interested in sex[6] , but there’s an even likelier cause: the “contrast effect.” In the summer, men are frequently exposed to scantily-clad women. Not so when it gets cold outside; therefore, the “attractiveness criteria” shift in our favor. Which means that by January (the month men give women’s bodies the highest ratings) only you might mind your post-holiday pudge.

You See Thanksgiving Dinner in a Whole New Way

Back to that pumpkin pie. For men, a mere whiff of it is sexually arousing, found a study led by Alan Hirsch, MD, founder and neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation[7] . Measuring sniffers’ erections with a device called a plethysmograph[8] , Hirsch found that an odor mixture of pumpkin pie and doughnut led, on average, to a 20 percent increase in penile blood flow, and a pumpkin-pie-and-lavender blend increased blood flow by a robust 40 percent. There’s a direct pathway between the olfactory bulb and a pleasure center in the brain (the septal nucleus) that moderates a man's sexual response, Hirsch explains. These odors could trigger a “Pavlovian response -- by association -- because they’re nostalgic, homey and/or relaxing, he says. Hirsch also suggests that males evolved to be sexually primed by food, and the harvest would have been a good time to find a mate and procreate. (Not everything Thanksgiving is a turn-on. Cranberry odors only inspired a 5 percent increase in blood flow.)

You Have An Excellent Date Night

What could be better on a chilly fall evening than curling up to watch a warm, fuzzy romantic comedy? A partner who wants to watch it, too. Which is exactly what’s likelier to happen in the cooler months[9] , found researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The more frigid it gets, the more motivated we all -- yes, men included -- are to choose rom-coms. There’s a neural crossover between bodily sensations and psychological ones, the researchers in the study explained, which means that feeling cold activates a yearning for warmth in all forms, including Groundhog Day–style heart-warmers. A similar effect happens when, say, sharing a warm drink[10] , found researchers at Yale University. When we handle a hot object (think: mug of hot cocoa), we unconsciously become emotionally warmer and more generous -- and perceive others that way, too. (Bonus: cocoa contains flavonoids, which also increase the blood flow down there[11] ….)

You Find Sparks Can Lead to a Bonfire

Whomever your flame is right now may be the one who warms you all season, suggests a study that looked at seasonal patterns of relationships in Facebook profiles[12] . In the summertime, more break-ups (or mere hook-ups) occurred -- a pattern that was found among people of all ages, not just college students on break. But in the fall, there were more singles changing their status to “In a Relationship” or “Engaged” than the yearly average. Love’s in the air, and it lingers.

You’re in Prime Baby-Making Time

Statistically speaking, this is our most fertile season (especially November and December), with birth rates peaking nine months later, in August and September. What’s interesting is that sperm concentration and count are at their lowest from August through October due to the summer heat -- and it often takes weeks for numbers to rebound. And when they do, in late autumn -- surprise! -- they tend to exceed baseline values. It’s called, unforgettably, the “overshoot” phenomenon.

[13] [14]

Earlier on HuffPost:

Seemingly Insignificant Things That Can Affect Your Sex Life:

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  • His Belt Size

    Over the years, his waistline has stealthily expanded (whose hasn’t?), but you’ve never let it get between you and a great sex life. The surprise: His extra weight may actually have tipped the balance in your favor. <a href="" target="_blank">Fat men last longer</a> -- so finds a study published in The International Journal of Impotence Research showing that men with a higher body mass could make love for more than seven minutes on average, versus less than two for their fitter and slimmer peers. Body fat may protect against premature ejaculation because it contains high levels of the sex hormone estradiol, which slows down a man’s ability to ejaculate. (Note: There’s a sweet spot -- levels that are too high may lead to erectile dysfunction, a condition more common in obese men.)

  • The Wrong Pocket Rocket

    Your super-charged, jelly-rubber rabbit may be turning you off -- you just don’t know it yet. <a href="" target="_blank">Some sex toys (seven out of eight in a study by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) contain dangerously high concentrations of phthalates</a>, which are new-car-smelling industrial chemicals that make plastic soft, squishy and easily molded into bumps, ridges and pearls. Problem is, phthalate exposure -- and the genital tract is especially vulnerable -- is associated with serious health problems, including <a href="" target="_blank">lower testosterone levels</a> (which may affect sex drive), <a href="" target="_blank">lower sperm counts</a> and even certain cancers. The jury is out on the chemicals' exact toll on life and libido, but better vibes come from safer materials: medical-grade silicone, glass, metal and wood (or rolling a condom over a trusty old fave that you suspect has phthalates).

  • A Drafty Bedroom Window

    Men aren’t the only ones whose extremities need warming up. Women’s do, too -- down there, <i>way</i> down there. In an orgasm study at the University of Groningen, half the couples were unable to make it to climax. <a href="" target="_blank">The problem was cold feet</a>, literally. Once socks were offered, the success rate shot up to 80 percent. <a href="" target="_blank">Comfort is key</a> -- and the area of the brain associated with genital sensation is right next door to the one associated with feeling in the feet, writes Daniel Amen, MD, in his book <em><a href="" target="_blank">Unleash the Power of the Female Brain</a></em>.

  • City Streets In Summer

    More specifically, any foul odor -- a public restroom, old squeegees, fish bits or any other nose-wrinkler -- primes the subconscious to send you a message: "Protect yourself!" <a href="" target="_blank">The result of spending time in a stinky space is that we unthinkingly have safer sex</a>, finds a study at the University of New Mexico. Men and women sitting in a room that smelled (they were told a sewage pipe broke) reported significantly greater intentions to use condoms than those in a normal-smelling room. An innate disease-avoidance mechanism kicks in -- which (if an off odor doesn’t turn us off completely) could lead to fewer STIs and unplanned pregnancies.

  • Baby-Of-The-Family Status

    How many lovers do you hope for in your lifetime? How many for your partner? Your answers (partly) <a href="" target="_blank">depend on your birth order</a>, finds a study at Florida Atlantic University. Firstborns desire fewer sex partners on average (four) than their younger siblings (13). In general, firstborns focus on long-term goals like having kids earlier in life, while the younger sibs more often pursue short-term sexual strategies. The explanation: The eldest identifies more with parents and the status-quo norms; the others don’t have the same expectations and limitations. (In case you’re worried: While later-borns may desire more lovers overall, there’s no evidence that they’re likelier to cheat.)

  • Low-Riding Handlebars

    We've long known that long-distance bike riding is bad for a man’s sex life (heat, pressure, friction = lower sperm count and erectile dysfunction). But <a href="" target="_blank">women who ride a racing-style bike with handlebars lower than the saddle for more than 10 miles weekly have a serious problem</a>, too: a sustained loss of feeling in their genitals, finds a study at Texas A&M Health Science Center. That sleek, forward-leaning position puts undue pressure on the soft tissues of the perineum and pelvic floor. Riding this way, you may be the hottest, fastest thing on the road... but slower to warm up in bed. <a href="" target="_blank">Better for your sex life: the upright '50s-style ride</a> lovingly known as the "Granny."

  • The Three-Cent Thing He Never Uses

    When a man doesn’t floss, bad breath isn’t the only problem that can affect his sex life, finds a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. <a href="" target="_blank">Those with gum disease -- an all-too-common result of dental neglect -- are more than three times likelier to have erectile dysfunction</a> than those with healthier mouths. Unflossed gums harbor bacteria that can enter the bloodstream. This clogs blood vessels, which in turn reduces the blood supply to that crucial organ (oh, and the heart, too). Flossing: It stimulates more than gums.