By Amy Shearn

You never would have expected it, but that cabdriver might be a spiritual teacher[1] in disguise.

1. The Good Samaritan Who Accidentally Introduces You To Pho

Of course it's nice when a kindhearted stranger returns the wallet you thought was stolen; and, of course, that makes your day. But occasionally, these acts of everyday kindness create some minor lifetime bonds. Maybe you accidentally drop your smartphone in front of a Vietnamese restaurant, and the busboy finds it and calls your dad. Not only did he pick it up, but he was thoughtful enough to find the phone number labeled "Dad." From that day on you patronize the restaurant as often as possible, discover a love of the delicious hot noodle soup called Pho and eventually plan your world travels based on your noodley revelation -- you see where I'm going here? Yet another reason to be kind, and to move always in the direction of kindness. You never know what new discoveries lie in wait.

2. Your Friend's Wretched Boss

I'm not saying it's good that your friend's boss issues last-minute mandates that pulverize your dinner plans again and again. But you can still benefit from her boss's bad behavior. Listen to your friend's specific complaints. Does it make her crazy when her boss introduces her as, "my employee" or, perhaps, "the lowly freelancer"? (It happened to me. Don't ask.) Take note so that one day, when you are in a management position, you will know to never, ever introduce the people who report to you as "my minions."

3. The Writer Of The Right Words At The Right Time

If someone writes a memoir well enough, that person ceases to feel like a stranger at all, particularly when something she has written finds you at exactly the moment when you need it, so that it seems this writer is speaking directly to your soul.

Take, for example, Amy Fusselman's 8, a scorcher of a book[2] . For me, reading this passage at a confused and confusing time just about took the top of my head off:

"Time is inside and outside us, it is the fantastic sea we move through, capable of the most astonishing bends and whorls and, of course, like most things that are magical and wild and inside us, we have reduced it to something small and controllable outside us. Time is not magical, we say. Time is the annoying thing I wear on my wrist."

She had no way of knowing I was battling impatience, struggling with parenting -- its difficulties, its roboticness -- when she reminded me of the beauty and magic of it. But still, this stranger, who was kind enough to tell her story, made me a better parent, and probably a better person.

4. The Beleaguered Woman Who Actually Wants To Watch Dances With Wolves

It's a well-accepted fact that trying to hit wolves with Milk Duds in an almost-empty movie theater is a great, constructive activity for high school students, strengthening both hand-eye coordination and hysterical-giggling muscles. But in retrospect (that movie reference didn't date me, did it?), the person who kicked those Milk-Dud Mickey Mantles out of the theater wasn't merely being a total buzz-kill. I still remember the worried-looking older woman who had summoned the usher. She looked not angry but disappointed, and unsettlingly like my own grandmother. Although my rabble-rousing friend whispered, "Jerk," I knew in that moment that we were, in fact, the jerks, that this person was a student teacher of sorts, introducing the mind-altering concept that even though we were teenagers, that was still no excuse to be a jerk. And it stands -- even though you're 22, even though you're 97, even though you're distracted by your friends or a guy or your kids -- that's no excuse to be a jerk.

5. The Elevator Genius

Eavesdropping is, to my mind, a crucial life skill, and one that might lead to learning even more crucial life skills. Listen up, because over the span of an elevator ride, you can learn how to detect a gas leak, check for skin cancer or use flavors in your Sodastream -- potential lifesavers, all.

6. The Buddha in Spandex

Let's take a moment to raise a glass (or, you know, a sports bottle of electrolyte drink) to the bicyclist with an extra inner tube who stops to patiently help you change a flat tire with a hand pump during a race, despite a ticking clock; just that small act of generosity can put an end to your stressy tears and remind you to breathe deeply, to accept it; and that, after all, there will be other races -- even ones where you might get a chance to pay this favor forward.

7. The Distracted Registrar

There are at least two extra (very adorable) humans in the world, thanks to some kind-hearted-or-possibly-negligent registrar at the University of Iowa. Which is to say, I once met a boy in a class that was full, but which he somehow managed to weasel himself into the second week of the semester, during which we made goo-goo eyes and sophomoric, pop-culture references at each other. We eventually got married and the rest is history. (Or anyway, that's how we explain procreation to our two toddlers.)

8. The Recent Grad with the Grande Iced, Soy Mocha

Maybe you started off annoyed at the loud, giddy voice of the recent grad chatting so loudly on her cell phone in Starbucks. But listen to what she's saying: How excited she is to land her first job, to go to free concerts, to put tapestries on the walls of her sublet apartment. Now take a minute to remember what that actually felt like, and maybe, just maybe, you'll get inspired to get some of that giddiness back in your life.

9. The Fashionista In Flip-Flops

Thank you, superstylish woman in the busy office lobby discreetly swapping her flats for heart-stoppingly-high heels, for showing me the secret to coming to work in killer shoes. I thought I was the only one who had feet with feelings.

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Earlier on HuffPost OWN: Awesome Reasons To Get Out Of Bed

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  • 1. Because The Brisket Waits For No Woman

    You can’t buy a McDonald’s Egg McMuffin after 10:30 a.m.; and, Austin’s famous Franklin Barbecue may open at 11:00 a.m., but it <a href="" target="_blank">closes as soon as the juicy food sells out, usually by 1:00 p.m</a>. And don’t even get us started about <a href="">cronuts</a>.

  • 2. Because The Pea Shoots Might Have Sprouted

    In a world full of virtual pleasures and intangible rewards, there is something uniquely, uh, grounding about paying attention to what’s happening in your dirt. Or window box. Or fire-escape flowering pot. Did anything bloom? Did a family of snails colonize the tomato plot, patiently waiting to be named by your children? Did one tiny, perfect strawberry appear in the community garden patch, having ripened there in the sun all morning just waiting for you to come and eat it? Better get out there and check.

  • 3. Because One Of The Best Parts Of Myrtle Beach Is The Anticipation of Going There

    Of all the myriad pleasures vacation has to offer -- the refreshing vistas, the escape from the daily routine, room service -- one of its most bountiful is simply the idea of taking one. Savor that feeling of about-to-be-going excitement for a few extra hours. Today is not a workday. There are no household chores to do. There is only an outbound flight and a ticket with your name on it. <a href="" target="_blank">Bonus: The first morning flight is usually the cheapest. </a>

  • 4. Because It’s 75 Degrees and Sunny Now

    … But it’s supposed to be 95 and humid later.

  • 5. Because Sandwich Bags Can Become Fine Art

    Of all the ways to infuse some whimsy into the everyday lives of your loved ones (<a href=" target="_blank">Hot air balloon rides! Tree house vacations!</a>), a decorated lunch has got to be the easiest.

  • 6. Because Starlings And Cicadas Exist

    You never know when the <a href="" target="_blank">natural world is going to surprise</a> and <a href= target="_blank">delight</a> the heck out of you.

  • 7. Because Organized Canned Goods Make Everything Seem Better

    So, your to-do list of organizing projects needs its own to-do list in order to be manageable. Still, you can tackle at least one household project today, something simple, that has a concrete solution. I prep for success by avoiding interior-design blogs that set unrealistic expectations (love you, Pinterest, but come on).Then I put on some good music, give myself a time limit of 15 minutes and start organizing: the mail, or one kitchen cabinet, or the first-aid supplies. It has to be something on a small scale, something that is done when it is done, a check-off-the-list-able thing. The whole house isn’t going to be its best self today; but maybe, just maybe, one shelf can be.

  • 8. Because There Is Always Something To See

    Perhaps it’s a great work of contemporary art. Maybe it’s a <a href="" target="_blank">super-awesome secret gate-to-another-dimension </a><i>next</i> to the stirring painting, like these kids found. All you have to do is go somewhere, anywhere, and stay open to the possibilities and you will almost certainly see something really worth looking at.

  • 9. Because Today You Have A Chance To Be Kind In A Small, Good Way[5]

  • 10. Because 20 Minutes = Total Workout

    As the writer Jenna McCarthy <a href="" target="_blank">recently tweeted</a>, “Doesn't it feel AWESOME to start the day with a ten-mile run??? (I wouldn't know either. But I can *speculate*.)” If you’ve been sitting around all winter/maternity leave/<i>Game of Thrones</i> season, here’s the good news: In just 20 minutes, you can get the benefits of a <a href="" target="_blank">high-intensity workout</a>. Today’s the day. Twenty minutes! That’s really it!

  • 11. Because Your Dulcimer Isn't Going To Play Itself

    Much has been written about the virtues of the early morning. Laura Vanderkam wrote for <i>Fast Company</i> about <a href="" target="_blank">five things you can do before breakfast that can make your whole day better</a> (and possibly, your life more successful) ,one of which is to take a moment for personal growth. As she writes, “Mornings don’t have to be a death march out the door.” Take a moment to consider the day ahead and connect with yourself. Whether it’s practicing your conversational French, perfecting your calligraphy or sketching the same view from your window every morning, spending a little moment in the day for a non-necessity, at a place in your brain that’s not all logistics, can yield immeasurable rewards.

  • Because Macaroni And Cheese Exists[6]

    Because <a href="" target="_blank">Macaroni and Cheese Exists</a>

  • 13. Because You Can Send A Postcard To Your Past

    I am endlessly inspired by<a href="" target="_blank"> Viva Snail Mail!</a>, a neighbor’s old-fashioned-paper-mail-celebrating project. Recently, founder Melissa Lohman-Wild suggested sending a postcard to the current owner of your old college PO box, an idea I couldn’t have loved more. This has nothing to do with fulfilling an obligation (shoot, really need to check in on so-and-so), and everything to do with reaching inward by reaching outward. What would you tell your college-age self? Write it on a postcard and send it off. By briefly tapping your inner wisdom, you might make someone’s whole day.

  • 14. Because Sometimes This Happens[7]