The 75-year-old man who was reported missing last week from an Alamogordo nursing home was found dead Monday morning, police told the Alamogordo Daily News[1] .

William Buchanan was reported missing around 2:30 a.m. Aug. 20 from Casa Arena Blanca Nursing Center and was found dead in an alley near Loma Vista and Del Norte drives around 9:50 a.m Monday, police Sgt. Tracy Corbett told the Daily News.

Buchanan suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and had a surgical incision on his stomach that had not yet healed, the paper reported.

“A lady who lives in the trailer park was in her back yard (Monday morning),” Corbett said. “She saw something out of the corner of her eye, then looked over the fence and saw the gentleman lying there.”

Corbett said employees of the nursing home and police detectives had searched the area where Buchanan was found when he was first reported missing, the Daily News said.


  1. ^ Alamogordo Daily News (


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