It's the height of summer -- and if you've been spending more time outdoors lately, chances are you've got a few (or more) bug bites to show for your time in the sun.

And while bites from pests are an inevitable part of summer, it's important to reduce your risk of bug bites from mosquitoes and ticks. That's because several species of these insects can carry dangerous disease, including Lyme disease and West Nile virus.

"The most effective way to avoid West Nile virus disease is to prevent mosquito bites," wrote the CDC in their summer health guidelines[1] . "Repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, and some oil of lemon eucalyptus and para-menthane-diol products provide longer-lasting protection."

Earlier this summer, the consumer advocacy organization Environmental Working Group compiled the latest research on bug sprays to help determine which repelling compounds were safest. They wrote[2] :

The bad news: there's no sure, completely safe way to prevent bug bites. All bug repellents have pros and cons.

The good news: some repellents are effective and relatively low in toxicity -- provided you take precautions when using them, particularly on children.

We looked at some of the highlights from their report -- as well as important data from the CDC and the Environmental Protection Agency. Read on to learn more about what's in your bug spray:

Infographic by Jan Diehm for the Huffington Post.

Earlier on HuffPost:

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  • Ice

    A shock of cold therapy will provide relief for itching and keep you from swelling more, says Schultz. "Ice actually numbs the nerves that conduct itching and pain so you don't feel either," he says.
    You may have heard that going the other direction in temperature can also help. Hot water would in fact have the same effect on the nerves, says Schultz, but after you remove your warm compress or step out of that hot shower, you'll face a "rebound release of histamine that makes the itching worse," he says.

  • Essential Oils

    "Tea tree oil is one of my favorite essential oils in all of dermatology," says Schultz. It <a href="" target="_hplink">acts as an anti-inflammatory</a>, so it can combat itching, swelling and pain, and it seems to also have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that can help prevent infection at the site of the bite, he explains.
    Lavender oil can also help. "Lavender is the most versatile of all the essential oiils, with more benefits than you can shake a stick at," says Schultz. A dab on the skin can help reduce inflammation and pain and prevent infections, he says.
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">.angels.</a></em>

  • Vinegar

    This "way-underutilized" home remedy can help stop itching due to its acidity, says Schultz. He recommends diluting two or three cups in a bathtub of warm water to treat all-over bites, or putting a few drops on cotton and wiping an individual bite. Apple cider vinegar may be an even better bet, he adds, since it's slightly less acidic, and it's likely that the pH of itchy, red skin is off balance to begin with, he says.
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">AndyRobertsPhotos</a></em>

  • Honey

    Since this natural sweetener is known for a <a href="" target="_hplink">wide range of health benefits</a>, including its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, it's not surprising that honey can also ease itchy bites. It's included in a number of natural lotions and balms for this exact reason, Everyday Health explains.
    Schultz recommends opting for raw honey and only dabbing a little bit right on the bite.
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">dphiffer</a></em>

  • Tea Bag

    Just like (cooled!) tea bags can <a href="" target="_hplink">reduce under-eye puffiness</a>, they can ease swelling on bites, too, says Schultz. The tannins in tea act as an astringent, he says, drawing extra fluid out of the bite.

  • Baking Soda

    "Sodium bicarbonate is a mild alkaline compound that <a href="" target="_hplink">can help neutralize the pH balance of your skin</a>," Dr. Linda K. Franks told <em>Prevention</em>. "This 'buffering effect' may help quell the inflammation that occurs at the skin's surface, easing your soreness."
    Try dissolving some into a warm bath and soaking for 30 minutes, or mixing some with a little water to create a paste to apply directly to the bitten skin.
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">[F]oxymoron</a></em>

  • Witch Hazel

    Baking soda can also work in conjunction with other remedies, says Schultz, like this plant-based astringent that, when applied in a paste with baking soda, will draw fluid out and reduce swelling at the bite. "There's a synergy, they work even better together," he says.
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">zimpenfish</a></em>

  • Basil

    The aromatic leaf naturally <a href="" target="_hplink">contains camphor and thymol</a>, two compounds that can relieve itching, says Schultz. It's easy to crush some up and apply it to bites, or buy the essential oil and dab onto the skin.
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">saragoldsmith</a></em>

  • Lemon And Lime

    Both citrus fruits are anti-itch, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, according to Schultz. The juice or the peel can "kill all sorts of bacteria" he says.
    There is one downside, though. Just the way you used to squeeze lemon juice into your hair for beachy highlights, the oils will also react with the sun on your skin. "You'll get a blistering reaction," Schultz says. Stay safe by only using citrus-based remedies indoors.
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">psd</a></em>

  • Peppermint

    You may have heard that a dab of toothpaste can ease the itch, but it might be that minty-fresh flavoring that's at work.
    "It causes a cooling sensation, [which] gets to the brain faster than the itching," Schultz says. Because the brain can only process one sensation at a time, cooling agents are often added to skin products to act as "counter-irritants" he says, which prevent and block other sensations, like itching. If you don't want to slather the chemicals in your toothpaste on your bites, try a drop of the essential oil or a paste made from crushed leaves.

  • Banana Peel

    While some people swear by this home remedy, there (perhaps unsurprisingly) isn't a whole lot of credible research to back it up. Schultz hypothesizes that the sugars in the chemical makeup of the skin of a banana could be soothing and draw fluid out from a bite.
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">CarbonNYC</a></em>

  • Milk And Water

    For a soothing compress, Schultz recommends soaking equal parts milk and water into a handkerchief and applying it to the skin. "It's very soothing and helpful at relieving itching, swelling and inflammation," he says, "plus it's also a great technique for relieving sunburn." Skim works the best, he adds, as it's the protein and not the fat in milk that soothes the skin.
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">tauress</a></em>

  • Slapping Or Pinching

    It sounds silly, but it works! "Slapping is a greater form of pain than itching," explains Schultz. "It's more startling, but it's not annoying the way itching is." The brain can only register one feeling at a time, he says, so you may get some relief from the itchiness when the pain of a slap takes over, even if you might feel strange inflicting that pain on yourself.
    Squeezing the bite gently but firmly is another option (which may feel less 'out there'). These methods can ease all itchy bumps, adds Schultz, not just mosquito bites.

  • Aloe

    While it's primarily thought of as sunburn relief, aloe shouldn't be ignored in treating bites, says Schultz. "It's very good for itching and swelling and really is very soothing."
    <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">veggiefrog</a></em>

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