You might think twice the next time you say you're "drowning in work."

Undoubtedly, there are times we let stress get the best of us[1] on the job. A communication mix-up, a shortened deadline or an interminable to-do list can send us into overdrive and we quickly lose sight of what's important.

While we don't recommend taking pleasure in the misfortune of others, sometimes all you really need is a dose of perspective to come back down to earth. Having one of those days[2] ? The kind where you sink low into your chair and count the milliseconds until tomorrow? You might find it comforting to know that the people who appear in stock images have it much, much worse.

We don't know what their exact professions are, but one thing's for sure: Their jobs are clearly more stressful than yours.

For starters, they have to wear their priorities on their faces.


And this makes it a lot harder to do pretty much everything -- especially close their fists.


And this is not just a lady problem.


They are required to use three phones simultaneously and are always put on hold.


Women are sometimes hired for the sole purpose of filling binders (and that's really stressful).


This is not an intern.


They are more at risk for paper cuts.


Studies show at least 87% more at risk, especially if they're behind in their bills.


They are tested for agility on a daily (and unannounced) basis.


They are required to "perform" for extra office supplies.


This constitutes a vacation.


Their news is much more alarming than your news.


Much, much more alarming.


Sometimes they cry outside on the "sulking steps."


Employers withhold the right to zip open their employees' brains (it's in their contracts).


The Americans get paid in pounds ... of rocks.


And last, but not least, they are literally drowning in work (and no one can hear them scream).


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