House Speaker John Boehner renewed his vow to abolish President Barack Obama’s health-care law after the Republican-controlled chamber voted to postpone two of the legislation’s key provisions.

“Obamacare is bad for America,” Boehner said in a taped interview for CBS News’s “Face the Nation” program that airs tomorrow, according to an excerpt released by the network.

“We’re going to do everything we can to make sure that it never happens,” the Ohio Republican said.

The Democratic Obama administration announced earlier this month that it would delay until 2015 a mandate that U.S. businesses with 50 or more workers provide their employees with health insurance.

“If Obamacare was workable, why did the president announce he wasn’t going to enforce the employer mandate?” Boehner asked in the CBS interview.

The House this week voted to delay by a year the enforcement of both the employer mandate and a centerpiece of the health law: the requirement that most Americans obtain health insurance by 2014 or pay a fine.

The Democratic-controlled Senate is unlikely to take up the House measures, which Senator Patty Murray of Washington called “pointless pandering.”

Obama defended his health law at the White House July 18.

“Health-care costs have slowed drastically in some areas since we passed the Affordable Care Act,” he said. “New competition, new choices, market forces are pushing costs down.”

To contact the reporter on this story: David Lerman in Washington at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: John Walcott at; Steven Komarow at


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