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Thanks for staying -- this I'm Mike Huckabee and for Bill O'Reilly.

And in the -- resolve problems segment tonight despite weeks of protest of the far left to Texas bill.

Banning abortions after twenty weeks it's time to become law.

Governor Rick Perry signed the legislation yesterday.

Amid continued outcry from abortion activist.

OK okay.

Here -- out of explain why this law has left the left so enraged his percent of page.

She described yourself as a reproductive rights advocate she's also the author of a book how the pro choice movement.

Saved America.

-- that's an interesting title Christina Kelly saved America so how -- a pro choice movement saving America.

The protest movement is saving America by doing all the things that the pro life movement claims to do.

It results and lower abortion rates -- results and you know happier families and wealthier families and healthier children.

I'm hearing apple Marvin sing everything's coming up roses -- 56 million babies have been aborted in the last forty years how can we say that somehow we're better off.

When we've.

Ended the lives of the equivalent of 16 of today's American popular.

She let me ask you something.

And when did disturbing.

That the countries with the lowest abortion rates in the world are the most pro choice.

And the countries with the highest abortion rates in the world are the most pro life what's happening in Texas is an example.

As to why -- pro life.

Laws have a counter intuitive effect well.

Is is twenty weeks too soon and I mean at what point.

-- should there ever be a point at which we say it's just too late to make the abortion decision.

Well Roe vs.

Wade is -- is -- guy bad then everybody including the medical establishment.

Is very comfortable with.

You know the fetus doesn't feel pain in -- -- -- -- doctors think it's it's.

Much earlier than that and so -- this study is another recent studies -- other rigorous studies say 29 weeks.

So we're gonna go and extended to 29 what -- but the point is it or not it will propose needless to ask this question when does that may be become a human being in your in your view.

Well that's what it's fireball.

But but viable.

It is just constantly changing science is getting better and better actually yeah -- -- much.

The what I would ask is why are you so concerned.

With the 2%.

Of abortions that happened after twenty weeks.

And rather than.

-- trying to prevent the you -- 98%.

Which is very prevent present to book why is it.

That the pro life movement.


There's not one pro life organization in the United States that supports contraception.

Even though it's the only way.

To prevent abortion.

There isn't there is another way and that's responsible sexual activity that.

Would prevent you know the pregnancy so -- even put me if -- was contraception even if there was once the baby.

Is developing.

-- 23 male and 23 female chromosomes come together and create that unique DNA schedule.

And wife has started -- it is life and it's human life and it's separate from the mother because it doesn't have her DNA schedule why don't we.

-- police do everything possible.

To protect that life as a testament to our understanding that every life has value and worth.

-- I would I would answer that question if it weren't for the fact.

That what's happening in Texas which you support you were down there younger I rallying.

Absolutely he's going to result in more late term abortions is going to result in leaders when he was so you say if we allow more abortions will have less abortions.

No what I'm saying is if you eliminate providers and you say we're gonna take away eight providers in the city and just 35 and all the women who would normally be served by the those.

Have to now.

Rely on.


What that causes this delay.

And it could end and then pregnancy -- happens very quickly the week two weeks and then it also gets very expensive so.

Now you're snowballing.

Now what was the 500 dollar procedure becomes a thousand dollar procedure and then that becomes a 2000 dollar and then you have to -- -- wish we could carry on the conversation believe me I would love to do it.

But unfortunately.

We have to go away.


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