Valerie Jarrett, White House senior advisor and chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls, has learned about work-life balance from perhaps the busiest man in the country. At The Huffington Post's women's conference, "The Third Metric: Redefining Success Beyond Money and Power," Jarrett shared her secrets to a successful and fulfilling career, and discussed how President Obama makes time to be with his family.

In a discussion with conference hosts Mika Brzezinski and Arianna Huffington, Jarrett explained that the president makes it a priority to go upstairs at 6:30 each night to eat dinner with his family.

"That priority sends a message to everyone that you do need to make time for your families," said Jarrett. "If he's the president of the United States -- and no one has more pressure or stress or demands than he -- and he can make his children a priority, then so can we."

In addition to making time for family, Jarrett had another valuable piece of advice for those seeking work-life balance: "Find a boss that accepts your life."

Watch the video clip above, and head over to our Third Metric page for more inspiration from the conference.

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