Today's cute kid note is, put simply, everything.

Title: Three Little Words From A Boy With Autism

Author: Redditor EFCFrost's son who is on the spectrum

Timing: Dad saw the note on Saturday, the day before Father's Day

Why It Will Make You Cry: EFCFrost posted his photo of the note, explaining "My son has autism and never calls me dad or acknowledges me in any way. Today he wrote this on his drawing board. Best Fathers day ever!"

via Reddit

Has your child drawn or written something adorable? Send a photo, along with your child's name and age, to or via Facebook or Twitter -- and it may be featured as our Cute Kid Note of the Day.

Next Cute Kid Note of the Day: Happy Father's Day, Indeed

  • Happy Father's Day

    <strong>Author:</strong> Elias <strong>Age:</strong> 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note </em></a>

  • Dad Is Really Cranky

    <strong>Author:</strong> Lucy <strong>Age:</strong> 7 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • My Hero

    <strong>Author</strong>: Rhett <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • The Daddy Trofy

    <strong>Author</strong>: Reddit user <a href="" target="_blank">georgeresch's</a> stepdaughter <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • T Is For...

    <strong>Author</strong>: Unknown (<a href="" target="_blank"><em>via Reddit</em></a>) <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Interpreting Remainders

    <strong>Author:</strong> Nicholas <strong>Age:</strong> 9 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Shine Bright

    <strong>Author:</strong> Elizabeth <strong>Age:</strong> 6 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Mommy Fact Sheet

    <strong>Author:</strong> Lilly Wells <strong>Grade level:</strong> Kindergarten <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Say, Listen, And Circle

    <strong>Author:</strong> Ascha <strong>Age:</strong> 5 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Places That I Have Been To

    <strong>Author</strong>: Ryleigh <strong>Age</strong>: 8 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • "Col Me Baby"

    <strong>Author:</strong> Abby <strong>Age:</strong> 5 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Happy Things To Think About

    <strong>Author:</strong> Sadie <strong>Age:</strong> 8 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • I Am A Freeloader

    <strong>Author</strong>: Frankie (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • A Middle Schooler's Sage Advice

    <strong>Author</strong>: Unknown (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Grade</strong>: 6th <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Happy Early Mother's Day

    <strong>Author</strong>: Emma <strong>Age</strong>: 10 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note </em></a>

  • "I Will Miss You..."

    <strong>Author: </strong>Timmy <strong>Age:</strong> 6 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • The Daddy Guilt Trip

    <strong>Author:</strong> Reddit user <a href="" target="_hplink">neightdog</a>'s son (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Age:</strong> 7 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • She Knows Her Colors

    <strong>Author</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank">Keith Yurgosky's</a> daughter <strong>Level of education</strong>: Preschool <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Kid's Awkwardly Epic Spelling Mistake

    <strong>Author</strong>: Reddit user <a href="" target="_blank">imtheotherguynow</a>'s youngest child (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Positive Ways Our Family Handles Stress

    <strong>Author</strong>: Reddit user <a href="" target="_blank">Ltravis's</a> little sister (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • I Feel The Pain

    <strong>Author</strong>: Zac <strong>Age</strong>: 9 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Waiting For Baby

    <strong>Author</strong>: Jamie <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Things To Do To Bother Nick

    <strong>Author</strong>: Carolyn <strong>Age</strong>: "6 or 7" <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • "I Really Love To Sing But..."

    <strong>Author</strong>: Thalia <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Joshua's Timeline

    <strong>Author</strong>: Joshua <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • How To Be A Cool Person

    <strong>Author</strong>: Scarlett <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Matthew Had 20 Girlfriends...

    <strong>Author</strong>: Matthew <strong>Age</strong>: 8 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • A Crying Little Devil

    <strong>Author</strong>: Tyler <strong>Age</strong>: 10 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • My Ideal Friend

    <strong>Author:</strong> Kyle <strong>Age:</strong> 8 <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Dear Disney Cruise Line

    <strong>Author</strong>: Ethan <strong>Age</strong>: 8 <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • A Love Letter To Mom

    <strong>Author</strong>: Carlos <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Sisterly Love?

    <strong>Author</strong>: Audrey <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • I've Never Seen A Man Cry Before

    <strong>Author</strong>: Carter <strong>Age</strong>: 9 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Thank You Michelle Obama

    <strong>Author</strong>: Zen <strong>Age</strong>: 9 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Do Not Disturb

    <strong>Author</strong>: Kayla <strong>Age</strong>: 8 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • You Should Not Hit Dogs

    <strong>Author</strong>: Unknown (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Age</strong>: 5 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Thank You For The Books

    <strong>Author</strong>: Pedro <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • 2013 Goals

    <strong>Author</strong>: Edwin <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • A Question For Santa

    <strong>Author's grade</strong>: 4th <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Let's Not Fight

    <strong>Author</strong>: Samantha <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Dear Santa

    <strong>Author</strong>: Ella <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • A Letter To The Queen

    <strong>Author</strong>: Jasmine <strong>Age</strong>: 5 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Spy Rules

    <strong>Author</strong>: Jenna <strong>Age</strong>: 8 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • I Will Not

    <strong>Author</strong>: Julian (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Grade</strong>: 2 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Idea For Blog

    <strong>Author</strong>: Evelyn <strong>Age</strong>: 12 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • I Will Be A Ninja For Halloween

    <strong>Author</strong>: Kevin (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Grade</strong>: Kindergarten <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read full note</a></em>

  • "Allergic To Facebook"

    <strong>Author</strong>: Victoria <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • If I Get A Boyfriend...

    <strong>Author</strong>: Sophie <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • A Letter To The Tooth Fairy

    <strong>Author</strong>: Emerson <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • What Is Love?

    <strong>Author</strong>: Emma K. (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • "I Love You More Than..."

    <strong>Genre</strong>: Poem (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Recipient</strong>: Mom <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>