The Issue: Gov. Cuomo’s proposed Women’s Equality Act and its impact on legal abortions in New York.


Kudos to Greg Pfundstein for revealing how truly empty Gov. Cuomo’s abortion-expansion bill is (“Gov. Cuomo’s Big Abortion-Bill Lie,” PostOpinion, June 10).

Count me among the astonished when I heard Cuomo’s bizarre shout: “It’s her body, her choice.”

For such an accomplished political leader who has been mentioned as a potential presidential candidate in 2016 to utter such a misleading premise is inconceivable.

Cuomo’s uncivilized proposal would essentially remove any barriers or objections to taxpayer-funded abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy right up to birth, which, in my opinion, is barbaric.

Gov. Cuomo

Gov. Cuomo

Michael Mulhall

Rockville Centre

I am strongly opposed to Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act, because it expands abortion in New York state, which leads the nation in its rate of abortion.

Those in power should reject the governor’s bill unless it is amended to remove the abortion language. The bill would expand late-term abortions by adding a broad “health exception” to New York law.

Does he really care about women or about Planned Parenthood’s income level? So many have died for the “convenience” or “choice” of others.

Abortion is already widely available in New York. We need to work together to reduce abortion and the need for abortion, not expand it.

Louise Perrotta


Science is discovering more and more about the abilities of unborn children.

In an age when we give much concern to people’s feelings as they react to other people’s opinions about them, we should have a lot more concern for the feelings and sufferings of tiny babies, even when they are not yet born.

In the light of these considerations, and given the high percentage of pregnancies terminated by abortion in New York state, it seems that our society is suffering from severe mental illness because of its lack of concern for suffering by unborn babies.

We need reform on the issue of abortion, but it should be reform in the opposite direction from that proposed by Gov. Cuomo. We need to let children develop normally and not cause them deliberate suffering and death. Don Murray


One of the biggest problems facing America today is the millions of babies being born to single mothers, many of them with drug problems, and having more than just one child out of wedlock.

Our government is encouraging the behavior with never-ending welfare, food stamps, rent and health-care payments to these women.

Now factor in all of the millions of abortions that many of these women have and try to imagine where we would be if there weren’t any abortions. Dan Galvin

Port St. Lucie, Fla.

Cuomo is trying to appeal to the most extreme of his supporters in order to divert attention from the ongoing corruption/sexual-harassment scandals presently occurring in Albany under his watch.

This bill does not “promote women’s rights” or help women’s health.

It is little more than a grab-bag that would invite monsters such as Kermit Gosnell or LeRoy Carhart to set up shop in New York, particularly in New York City.

The people who truly care about women know that this bill must be stopped. If Cuomo were truly concerned about women and women’s health, he would warn women, particularly teenagers, of the physical and mental-health risks that abortion presents and would promote easier adoption laws in New York state.Alice Lemos


Cuomo should spend some time in an abortion clinic watching fully developed babies being torn from their mothers’ wombs, or worse yet, a breathing baby having its spinal cord cut with scissors and tossed into the trash. Have we reached the point where we no longer value the life of the unborn?

Tom Lienhard

Westfield, NJ

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