The Alzheimer’s Association Midlands Chapter and Immanuel Pathways are offering an informative and vital educational series this summer.

Immanuel Pathways is sponsoring the series and will be hosting it at the beautiful, new Immanuel Pathways PACE Center which opened in May.

The Caregiver 101 Education Summer Series starts July 9th and ends on August 16th. It will take place at the Immanuel Pathways PACE Center located at 5755 Sorensen Parkway, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

This series is unique from other caregiver education series. The unique feature is that the caregiver can attend with their loved one and supervised activities will be available from professional staff through Immanuel Pathways for the individuals with Alzheimer's and Dementia who attend with their caregiver during the sessions. A light meal will be provided at each session during the series.

This important series will address the basics of caregiving for a person with Alzheimer’s or another form of Dementia. This includes: stress management, the basics of the disease, effective ways to communicate with the individual, legal issues, financial planning, current treatments, handling behaviors, safety, and much more. Caregivers and their loved one are invited. To register contact Betty Chin at or 402-502-4300. Seats are filling fast, so register early.

This is a part of a long line of several high quality and informative educational programs for families and individuals facing Alzheimer’s, caregivers, healthcare professionals, homecare workers, and community members. The Alzheimer’s Association offers these sessions throughout the metro area all year long.


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