Televangelist Pat Robertson slammed Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger on Wednesday, saying her writings advocated a plan to drive minorities "toward euthanasia."

"Go back and read her writings," Robertson said on "The 700 Club." "What Margaret Sanger believed was there were defective, genetically defective people. They were Roman Catholics, they were evangelical protestants, they were Southern Europeans, they were Latinos and especially, they were African Americans."

Robertson went on to say Sanger wanted to find a "highly respected" leader in those communities to be the spokesman for Planned Parenthood in order to "lead the black people toward euthanasia."

Robertson also compared Sanger to "the Nazis," who he said "found people that they thought were defective and they wanted to sterilize them and of course, ultimately murder them."

It's not the first time Robertson has compared Sanger to Nazis. In April, he said Sanger "set the stage for Adolf Hitler."

Watch a video of Robertson's remarks above.

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