Sometimes you just need your mom -- no matter how old you are. Whether it's calling her for a soothing phone conversation, turning to her advice on stress management, or enjoying a relaxing tradition that the two of you share, Mom can be that one person who reminds you that everything's going to be okay. Her calming effect even has some science behind it: Research has found that hearing your mother's voice on the phone has the same tension-busting impact as a good cuddle.

In honor of Mother's Day, we invited our community and editors to share all the wonderful ways that their moms help them to calm down and unwind during times of stress. From mother-daughter spa dates to foolproof relaxation advice, here are the ways your mom helps you stay centered.

Tell us: How does your mom help you relax? What are her most relaxing words of wisdom? Tell us in the comments below, email, or tweet @HealthyLiving. We'll feature your responses in the slideshow below!

  • Working Out

    "My mom and I de-stress by <a href="">working it out on the squash court</a>! It's a great, healthy way to bond and let off a little steam." - Meredith Melnick, Senior Health Editor

  • Spa Days

    "Mother-daughter spa days!!! #qualitytime" - <a href="" target="_blank">@jacqpiano</a>

  • Tea & Sympathy

    "My mom has such a gentle, calming presence that just being in her company always helps me cool down. But when I first get home from a long flight, we like to decompress with an evening in, talking, chatting, drinking tea and watching old movies." - Carolyn Gregoire, Associate Lifestyle Editor

  • Reading Aloud

    "As a kid, my mother almost always read to me before bed to help me unwind. Eventually, she recorded some of my favorite stories on a tape that I could play for myself when I couldn't sleep." - Sarah Klein, Associate Health Editor

  • Her De-Stressing Advice

    "When I'm stressed at the end of the day, my mom's go-to advice is to stop everything I'm doing and go take a hot shower and put on pajamas. It's simple advice, but I almost always get out of the shower feeling a little bit more relaxed and in control of my life." - Taylor Trudon, Associate Editor, HuffPost Teen

  • Talking It Out

    "Being able to talk to my mom eases my stress #thankful" - <a href="" target="_blank">@shimmerkhd</a>

  • Her Loving Presence

    "Unconditional love is the answer, to all questions!" - <a href="" target="_blank">@TakisKouvatseas </a>

  • Getting Her Input

    "She will most likely tell me how to remedy the issue or task at hand." - <a href="" target="_blank">@DJoh0606</a>