Editor's note: An earlier version of the photos below were first featured in a post last year. We thought maybe you'd want to see them again.

It's been a long, painful and emotionally draining week. If you've visited The Huffington Post at all, you already know why. In an effort to decompress and perhaps lighten the mood a little bit, we're rolling out a post to remind you what it's like to smile.

Saturday is 4/20, a day that many typically celebrate as a holiday. It's become difficult to imagine a nation on edge taking part in a pot-centric celebration, but perhaps these high dogs and marijuana facts can somehow help us all remember that through all of the upsetting things that have happened this week, life will go on.

Stay safe, and enjoy your Saturday, however you end up spending it!

  • High There

  • Cannabis species

  • THC

  • Effects

  • Munchies

  • Medical Benefits

  • Eye Know

  • Schedule I

  • Marijuana Use

    <a href="http://stash.norml.org/bigbook/adult-use-rates-by-year.html" target="_blank">(Source)</a>

  • Marijuana Arrests

    <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/29/one-marijuana-arrest-occu_n_2041236.html" target="_blank">(Source)</a>

  • Tax Revenue

    <a href="http://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/DrugProhibitionWP.pdf" target="_blank">(Source)</a>

  • Hmmm...