But this didn’t quite make sense. The baby-boom generation is now in its fifties and sixties. Only about 1 per cent of 65-year-olds have a form of dementia, compared with nearly half of those aged 85. And then the penny dropped. It’s not those in their eighties that this conference is targeted at, it’s their children. It’s the baby-boomer generation who find themselves faced with caring for increasingly frail and failing parents in their late seventies, eighties and nineties.

And, of course, it’s this lucky generation who have some money to spend. The baby-boomers are the ones who have benefited from escalating house prices over the decades, more secure jobs and better pensions than those of us who’ve followed in their wake can ever expect. So it’s not that we, as a nation, have become more enlightened about older people, it’s that there is a cohort with cash to spend who have parents to care for, whereas previous generations at a similar age would have lost their parents long since.

While I welcome the show, it would be wrong to become complacent and think that dementia is now firmly established as a cause for concern, socially and politically. That is not the case. That the Alzheimer’s Show is taking place at all is a reflection of the failure of state provision for people with this disease and other forms of dementia. For many people, this show offers current and future carers the possibility of hope and help in how to negotiate the dark and desperate days that lie ahead.

As NHS budgets are cut, so geriatric psychiatry services have suffered, with ''memory services’’ reduced to little more than one-stop diagnosis shops. Patients are assessed and then discharged back to the care of GPs, who are not specialists and who often struggle to manage patients appropriately. Beds on acute geriatric psychiatry wards have been cut or merged with general adult wards, while social services for older people are at breaking point. This is why the show is necessary and will, I am sure, draw a crowd.

But, tragically, there are too many sufferers in our fractured and atomised society who do not have family support. A study conducted by the Alzheimer’s Society and published last week found that one third of those with dementia – almost 250,000 people – are living alone. Of those, 29 per cent see family or friends once a week, and a further 23 per cent can expect just one weekly phone call from their nearest and dearest.

Poignantly, nearly two thirds described themselves as being lonely. While the study calls on NHS and social care services to do more to enable people with dementia to retain their independence, it adds that communities and families need to do more to stop elderly people becoming isolated and afraid. A third of people reported friends avoiding them after they received a diagnosis.

So, yes, the Alzheimer’s Show is a good thing – for some. There is still a way to go before the most vulnerable with dementia are properly supported and cared for.

Death rates at Leeds and the dangers of statistics

Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS medical director and Britain’s most senior doctor, has been in hot water this week after he suspended surgery at Leeds General Infirmary children’s heart unit, in response to concerns that death rates were twice as high as those at similar units.

Operations were stopped for 12 days while an urgent review was undertaken, which showed that, in fact, the rates were no different from those elsewhere. Surgery has since resumed.

Sir Bruce has come under pressure for the decision, but in the wake of the Mid Staffs scandal, if he hadn’t acted swiftly and the concerns were found to be justified, he would rightly have been hung out to dry.

What this case does show us, however, is that statistics can’t tell the whole story, and are often dependent on context, how they are collated and by whom. While superficially the death-rate statistics indicated a problem, in fact they were missing key information which, when taken into account, made all the difference.

It’s an important lesson to learn as the NHS moves towards a market model in which statistics will be increasingly used to award contracts, assess quality and justify cuts or changes in provision.

Our tiny disagreement

Last week was Homoeopathy Awareness week. Don’t worry if this passed you by – as a sceptical friend pointed out to me, if you’ve heard 0.0000000000000001 per cent of things about homoeopathy, you’ve heard them all. My fellow columnist Dr Le Fanu (see opposite) rather disagrees with this assessment, and I’m sure a healthy debate on the Letters pages will follow. Watch that space.

Max Pemberton’s latest book, 'The Doctor Will See You Now’, is published by Hodder. To order a copy, call Telegraph Books on 0844 871 1515 or visit books.telegraph.co.uk



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