A Mediterranean-style diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids -- but that avoids saturated fat, meat and dairy -- may help preserve memory and thinking abilities, a new study has found.

The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes the consumption of fish and olive oil and avoids a lot of red meat, has been linked to a variety of health benefits in recent years including the maintenance of bone mass.

This latest study, published in the journal Neurology, was based on data from the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study, a national sample of the general population. The study included dietary data on 17,478 people with an average age of 64.

“Since there are no definitive treatments for most dementing illnesses, modifiable activities, such as diet, that may delay the onset of symptoms of dementia are very important,” said Dr. Georgios Tsivgoulis, with the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of Athens, Greece, in a press release.

Tsivgoulis and the other researchers examined how closely the study's participants adhered to a Mediterranean diet and then asked them to complete tests that measured memory and thinking abilities over an average of four years.

Among the study's healthy participants, those who followed the Mediterranean diet more closely were 19 percent less likely to develop problems with their thinking and memory skills. There was not a significant difference in declines between African-Americans and Caucasians. Although Tsivgoulis found that omega-3-rich food may be connected with preserving memory and thinking abilities, there was no such link found in people with diabetes.

“Diet is an important modifiable activity that could help in preserving cognitive functioning in late life,” Tsivgoulis said. “However, it is only one of several important lifestyle activities that might play a role in late-life mental functioning. Exercise, avoiding obesity, not smoking cigarettes and taking medications for conditions like diabetes and hypertension are also important.”

In 2008, another study by researchers at the University of Oxford found that a diet rich in fish, meat and milk could help stave off memory loss in old age.

Earlier on HuffPost50:

  • Fish

    Eating <a href="http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/slideshow-brain-foods-that-help-you-concentrate" target="_hplink">two servings of fish weekly</a> can provide brain health benefits since it is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids -- which are important for brain function. Having a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids has been linked to lower risks of dementia and stroke, and can help improve memory.

  • Nuts And Dark Chocolate

    Yes, <a href="http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/slideshow-brain-foods-that-help-you-concentrate" target="_hplink">chocolate is good for you</a>! Dark chocolate has been found to sharpen focus because of the caffeine it contains. An ounce of nuts or seeds per day is a great source of vitamin E, which may slow cognitive decline.

  • Blueberries

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  • Herbs And Spices

    Next time you're whipping up some grub, turn to your spice rack for an extra brain boost. Spices and herbs may do more for your health than you realize. According to <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/14/daniel-amen-md-offers-adv_n_1275932.html#s693714&title=Herbs_And_Spices" target="_hplink">Dr. Daniel Amen, author of "Use Your Brain To Change Your Age,"</a> cinnamon balances blood sugar; garlic, oregano and rosemary increase blood flow to the brain; curry acts as an anti-inflammatory; and saffron can have anti-depressant effects.

  • Good Fats

    Don't eliminate all of the fat in your diet. Instead, focus on incorporating good fats. In fact, if your cholesterol drops too low, you may be at greater risk for depression, according to Amen and several studies on low cholesterol.

    So what exactly are "<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/14/daniel-amen-md-offers-adv_n_1275932.html#s693752&title=You_Need_Fat" target="_hplink">good fats</a>"? Dr. Amen advises people to eat foods rich in omega-3s to promote brain health, including almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, fish, lamb, avocados and green leafy vegetables.

    Another added benefit of eating good fats? "Your vitamins are actually absorbed better when you eat them with a little bit of fat," said Dr. Amen.

    "The American Heart Association recommends that unsaturated fats make up 18 to 28 percent of the calories in our diets," reports a <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/09/good-fats_n_1408719.html" target="_hplink">Health.com</a> article.

  • Cruciferous Vegetables

    Adding foods like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprouts could have great brain health benefits. These vegetables pack serious <a href="http://www.prevention.com/brainboostingfoods/3.html" target="_hplink">antioxidant power</a> which helps protect the brain. One Harvard Medical School study found that women who ate more of these veggies lowered their brain age by one to two years, Prevention reports.

  • Whole Grains

    A diet rich in <a href="http://www.prevention.com/brainboostingfoods/8.html" target="_hplink">whole grains</a> can help stabilize blood glucose levels. By keeping levels steady, you can feel more energized and focused.