My name is Petty Officer Third Class Jason Hatke, United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps. I am 16 years old and I am a caregiver for someone who has Alzheimer’s. My dad was diagnosed with younger-onset Alzheimer’s when I was in the eighth grade. But even before the diagnosis I knew something was wrong.

When I was in my sixth grade health class, we watched a video about Alzheimer’s. That night I came home and told my mom that I thought Dad had the disease. Of course, not knowing at the time that I was in fact correct, my mom blew it off until a few months later when my dad’s boss mentioned some issues he saw with my dad’s memory. My mom decided to take my dad to a specialist and he went through testing for about two years. After going through close to a dozen diagnoses, including ADHD and depression, he was finally diagnosed with younger-onset Alzheimer’s. At this time my dad was only 46 years old.

After the diagnosis my dad was in denial, because he has always had some memory problems. Because of this, I don’t think I’ve really ever known how my dad was before he started to change. My mom has even said that he is not the same man she married 21 years ago. Throughout the years, my dad and I have built model train sets and we have built several pieces of furniture. Today we still work with wood.

Since Dad has been diagnosed, our family life has changed because every day is a roller coaster full of ups and downs. Also because of dad’s diagnosis, I have had to get my driver’s license four months early just so I could get to school.

After our family was connected with the Alzheimer’s Association, my life turned around. I went from thinking I was going to go nowhere in life to realizing that I am a good public speaker. This gained me recognition at the National Alzheimer’s Advocacy Forum in Washington, D.C. In fact, when my dad talks about the forum, he says the whole time people would come up to him and ask “Aren’t you Jason’s dad?”

My parents and I also got involved with the Ambassadorship program. Today we are ambassadors for Indiana Senator Dan Coats. We also talk at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s about our personal story.

Getting involved with the association has not only helped me out with public speaking, but it has also helped me out with my military career. I am in a program called the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps. This, combined with my experience with the Corps, should help me out in my future endeavors.

This past summer I went to “Austin’s Camp Building Bridges” in Oklahoma for teens who are caregivers for a parent or grandparent, which helped me learn I am not alone.

For more information, go to for connection to Oklahoma and Arkansas chapter, or from our all-volunteer branch office at 325 653-1724, 438 Houston Harte Expressway.


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