ALBANY -- Monday is the deadline for consumers to enroll in insurance plans through NY State of Health and get coverage beginning Jan. 1.

The online market, or health exchange, will continue to offer insurance through March for coverage beginning at later dates. If you buy health insurance with coverage beginning Jan. 1 through the state's new online market for the federal Affordable Care Act, you have until Jan. 10 to pay the first premium.

With the looming deadline, NY State of Health and other state-run markets have experienced a surge of online traffic and phone inquiries, officials from five states said last week in a conference call hosted by Families USA, a Washington, D.C.-based advocate for health consumers. The states were among the 14 to set up their own exchanges rather than rely on the federal Obamacare website,

The counsel to NY State of Health, Lisa Sbrana, said last week that state officials were meeting with health plan representatives to implement a 10-day grace period for paying premiums.

Medical expenses incurred between Jan. 1 and 10 will not be credited or reimbursed by the insurance company until the premium is paid.

NY State of Health is the online market established to meet the requirements of the federal Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

Problems on with so-called back-end operations — involving information transmittal from the government to the insurance carriers — have been highly publicized.

They aren't a problem in New York, Sbrana said.


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