There are many ways to achieve happiness, whether it's spending time with loved ones[1] , participating in activities you enjoy or doing work that gives you a sense of purpose[2] . However, according to Broadway star Elaine Stritch and psychiatrist Murali Doraiswamy, the simple secret that will ultimately lead you to greater happiness lies in your attitude.

Adopting a positive mindset -- especially when it comes to aging -- can make a huge difference when it comes to finding meaning. Stritch advised that growing older is something to embrace if you want to lead a happier life.

"I think taking care of yourself, health-wise, in every way, is a 100 percent winner," Stritch said. "I don't feel 88 -- I don't what it is, I don't know what age is, I just know you shouldn't be afraid of it."

Check out the video clip above for more on discovering happiness -- no matter how old you are.

aging and happiness

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