Any guy who has ever worn beige pants in a public restroom might want to listen up.

Researchers at Brigham Young University's Splash Lab recently simulated urine streams striking urinal surfaces to assess the physics of pee splash-back[1] .

What did they learn?

As you can see in the video above, the self-dubbed "wizz kids" show that when peeing standing up, it's best to hit the urinal's back wall at a downward angle,[2] and to stay close.

Now are you sitting down for this next tidbit, gentlemen? Good, because that's actually the best position to be in so your urine doesn't go rogue, the wizz kids conclude. "It turns out you are five times as far away when you stand up--and that's a pretty significant difference in impact velocity for those droplets of urine," Randy Hurd, a graduate student at the university and one half of the wizz kid duo, told the BBC.

The scientists are scheduled to discuss their findings later this month at a meeting of the American Physical Society. Of course, the details of the research have already been, ahem, leaked.

Since the prospect of real-life sampling grossed out the scientists, they built a urination simulator out of a "five-gallon bucket with hoses[3] connected to two types of synthetic urethra," the BBC reported. Colored water from the simulator was "peed" at various targets, with the results captured on high-speed video.

The researchers said their interest in the physics of urine arose in response to criticism from their mothers and other women[4] for creating bathroom messes--and because they, too, are eager to make bathrooms cleaner.

"We've all been in disgusting toilets with puddles on the floor--these places are a breeding ground for bacteria," researcher Dr. Tadd Truscott,[5] professor of mechanical engineering at the university, told the BBC.

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