A 57-year-old man with Alzheimer’s disease was found safe in Lane County on Tuesday evening after wandering from his Corvallis residence late Monday morning, according to Corvallis Police Capt. Dave Henslee.

Mark Ponte, who lives on the 1500 block of Northwest 13th Street, was located Tuesday around 6 p.m. on High Pass Road south of Monroe, just into Lane County. A Lane County sheriff deputy contacted him after the Lane County dispatch center received multiple 911 calls from concerned citizens who reported him being in the roadway.

Ponte’s family had reported him as a missing person with Alzheirmer’s disease shortly after 9:15 a.m. Tuesday, believing that he left his residence around 11 a.m. on Monday.

Police officers determined the situation created an immediate concern for his well being, so they notified the national organization, A Child is Missing, which sent out alerts to thousands of Corvallis residents. A Child Is Missing is a nonprofit that assists law enforcement in finding missing children, disoriented elderly persons, disabled persons and college students with the goal of doing so within the first few hours.


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