You've probably heard people at the gym talk about "getting your money's worth" during a workout. But does the cost of a gym membership, equipment or classes really translate to weight loss? During a recent discussion on HuffPost Live, LearnVest writer Jane Bianchi said the first step to answering that question is to analyze your cost per workout.

If you go to the gym often enough, a membership may be worth it to you. It may have more to do with what works for each individual, according to personal trainer and inventor of Fit Kit[1] , Amie Hoff. There are instances when spending money for a gym membership or equipment may be worth the cost. "It makes them feel better, they are motivated to exercise, they gain confidence and energy," says Hoff. "Can you really put a price tag on that?"

While some may need that membership to get motivated, there are still plenty of ways to get healthy without spending a ton of money. "You can work out with anything," says New York actor John Carey. He does pull-ups, pushups, squats and still feels like he can pull himself up if he ever finds himself hanging from a cliff (which, he says, is all he really needs to know). Check out the clip above for more on the connection between spending money and getting fit.

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  • 9. Curling

    265 calories per hour

    Like shuffleboard on ice, this game is more pastime than sport. And while it's associated with older athletes thanks to its low intensity and easy pace, occasional low impact activity can benefit everyone.

  • 8. Ice Fishing

    273 calories per hour*

    Ice fishing might seem like little else than waiting around and occasionally taking a nip of whiskey for warmth, but actually, it involves a great deal of movement -- from building a fire to setting up the lines. And as anyone who has gotten a nibble on their lure knows, reeling in a fish big enough for dinner requires a great deal of arm and core strength. What's more, out in the cold, the body has to work over time to maintain it's internal temperature -- another calorie buster.

    *This estimate is actually for general fishing, so it should be considered rough.

  • 7. Sledding

    362 calories per hour

    Sledding is a great way to combine family bonding time with a bit of exercise. While flying down a hillside isn't going to be a major calorie buster, trekking back up that same slope will work your glutes just as hard as any set of squats. But time on the sled isn't a total waste: all that steering and balancing is helping to work your core muscles.

  • 6. Ice Skating

    460 calories per hour

    Balance, balance, balance. Just like ballet exercises en pointe, the precarious perch from a single-blade skate will help you work all the small-group muscles that keep you upright. Get ready for a lower-body focused cardio work out and some dance-style strength training.

  • 5. Snowboarding

    485 calories per hour

    Long associated with slackers, snowboarding is actually quite a major effort: the necessary balance to navigate a board down an advanced course -- or even a beginner's hill -- requires exceptional core strength and power. And it pays off, with a major calorie burn.

  • 4. Ice Hockey

    545 calories per hour

    Ice hockey's cadence and pace is fast-paced, making the sport a major cardio workout. But balance is as important to lumbering hockey players as it is to lithe figure skaters. And maintaining total muscle control also provides a great strength-training workout. The combination makes the sport a calorie incinerator -- and that's even before factoring in calories burned from fighting.

  • 3. Ice Climbing

    545 calories per hour

    For the most intrepid only, ice climbing compares to rock climbing in its unparalleled development of a strong upper body, including arms, shoulders and back.

  • 2. Cross-Country Skiing

    572 calories per hour

    About as close as you can get to stopping and smelling the flowers during snowy winter months, a trek on cross-country skis can bring you into the silence and peace of nature at your own pace. And while you're busy listening for the creaky sound of deciduous trees shedding ice, you'll be burning more than enough calories to earn that cup of cocoa upon your return home. It's hard to find another exercise that is at once calming and a hardcore workout.

  • 1. Snowshoeing

    650-700 calories per hour

    Snowshoeing is often overlooked in favor of more common snowy sports, like skiing and snowboarding. But there is no better way to trek through a wintry wonderland than on these webbed shoes, which help their users stay atop deep snow banks by distributing weight over a wider surface area.