By Katy Waldman for Slate[1]

Put on your outrage caps, everyone. We will now take an indignation ride through the facts of a civil complaint the American Civil Liberties Union recently filed[2] , the latest to test a provision in the Affordable Care Act requiring employers to equip female workers with a clean, private space[3] in which to express milk.

When the ACA went into effect on March 23, 2010, it amended the nation’s arterial labor law[4] , the FLSA, to set new workplace standards around breastfeeding and lactation. Companies must now offer new mothers “reasonable” (unpaid) break time to pump milk. They must also arrange for a “private, non-bathroom place,” “shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public,” in which the milk can be pumped, up until a year after the employee has given birth. Furthermore, employers are forbidden to “retaliate” against workers who complain about their bosses’ lack of compliance.

But following weeks of alleged harassment and discrimination, Bobbi Bockoras, a six-year employee at Saint Gobain Verallia, a glass-bottling factory in Alleghany, Pa., found herself seated on a dirty floor, surrounded by dead bugs, pump in hand. When she had first requested a space to express milk for her infant daughter, Lyla, she’d been directed to the bathroom. She’d protested, and the plant had upgraded her to the first-aid room, where she was allegedly heckled by male coworkers shouting and pounding on the door. Her next option was a room with glass walls and no lock on the entrance. Then a shower room. Finally, Bockoras writes on the ACLU’s blog,[5]

I eventually agreed to use an old locker room, even though it was filthy, because at least it had a lock on the door – and they said they'd clean it up. But when I showed up to pump there a few days later, I found that the room had not been cleaned…the floor was unfinished and had large patches missing from it, and there was no air conditioning – which is serious, because temperatures can get up to 106 degrees on the factory floor. The only furniture in the room was a single chair. I was completely disgusted, but what could I do? I only had a short break before I had to be back on my shift, and my baby has to eat, so I pumped there anyway. Even though I complained that it was filthy, the company did not have it cleaned. To make matters worse, shortly after that, someone took the chair from the room, which is how I found myself pumping on the floor, with dead bugs for company.

When Bockoras continued to complain, the company issued a heartfelt apology, offered her two weeks paid vacation, and resolved to start abiding by federal labor laws. Oops! No, they didn’t: According to Bockoras, they switched the new mother from her day shift to a rotating schedule of nights and early mornings, refused to explain why, ignored a note from her doctor saying she should keep more regular hours, and proceeded to tell her that she would experience harassment “regardless of what shift I was on.” It didn’t help that some jokesters allegedly covered the doorknob to her lactation cell with grease and metal shards. “They've never identified the culprits and no steps were taken to train my colleagues to prevent further harassment,” Bockoras writes. After 10 weeks in this abyss of nursing humiliation, the new mom’s ability to produce breast milk began to suffer, and she had to start feeding her daughter formula. That was when she began to pursue legal recourse, reaching out to the ACLU, the Women’s Law Project, and the firm Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, which is now working on the case pro bono.

Bockoras’ suit is not the first to shed light on poor working conditions for new mothers. A California teacher brought charges against her school district in 2012 after being told, bafflingly, to train her breasts not to produce milk during work hours. That same year, a convenience store employee sued her company for instructing her to pump in an office with a security camera. (They recommended she place a plastic bag over the security camera, which isn't weird at all.) And a controversial ruling by a U.S. district court in Houston upheld one company’s decision to fire an employee for requesting a private place to express milk. The judge said that the firing did not qualify as sex discrimination because “lactation is not a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth.”[6] [7] [8] [9]

Oh, OK, hmm, what? Given that this is the level of intellectual processing we’re dealing with, maybe a quick reminder is in order: Supporting breastfeeding mothers actually reduces costs for companies[10] . It leads to healthier babies[11] , which improves productivity by lessening the amount of time mom has to take off work. And in keeping skilled women at the office, enlightened breast-feeding policies pre-empt the costs of hiring and training new employees. Basically, it’s good for everyone. And aren't we all a little old to be wigging out about boobies?

Katy Waldman is a Slate assistant editor. Follow her on Twitter.


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  • At Hollister

    Brittany Warfield, a mother of three from Texas, <a href="" target="_blank">was nursing her 7-month-old outside of a Hollister store in a Houston mall, she says a manager forced her to move</a>. “He said, ‘You can’t do this here. This is not where you do that. You can’t do that on Hollister property. We don’t allow that.’ I said, ‘It’s Texas. I can breastfeed anywhere I like.’ He said, ‘Not at Hollister. Your stroller is blocking the way. You have to go,’” she recalls.

  • On Facebook

    Mom and breastfeeding advocate <a href="" target="_hplink">Emma Kwasnica</a>had posted over 200 photos on Facebook of herself nursing her own three children and told the Huffington Post that her account has been suspended at least five times as a result.

    She organized a nurse-in in front of Facebook headquarters to challenge the company's policy that says photos depicting breastfeeding are "inappropriate."

  • At Target

    Houston mother Michelle Hickman says she was <a href="" target="_hplink">harassed and humiliated by Target staff </a>when she found a quiet space in the store to breastfeed her infant. She organized an international "nurse-in" at several Target locations on Tuesday December 28th. Pictured above is mom who participated, Brittany Hinson and her 4-month-old son, Kennedy, in front of the Super Target store, in Webster, Texas.

  • At A Cafe

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Claire Jones-Hughes wrote</a>: "After being verbally attacked for not covering up while feeding my four-month-old, I decided it was time to make a statement to show that mothers will no longer tolerate being harassed for feeding our babies in public." She then staged a breastfeeding flash mob at the Clock Tower in Brighton, UK.

  • In A Government Building

    Simone dos Santos was breastfeeding her four-month-old in the hallway of a D.C. government building when <a href="" target="_hplink">two female security guards told her to stop</a> because it was indecent. "I was shocked, upset and angry that by providing food for my son, I was being treated like a criminal," she wrote in a blog post for the <a href="" target="_hplink">Washington Post</a>.

  • In The Courtroom

    In November, Natalie Hegedus, a Michigan resident, was <a href="" target="_hplink">asked to leave a courtroom</a> by a district judge. Her post on the community forum, <a href="" target="_hplink">BabyCenter</a>, caused a national uproar.

  • In Another Courtroom

    In August 2010, Nicole House was asked to leave the courtroom because a bailiff noticed her breastfeeding.

  • On A Bus

    This past June, a mom was <a href="" target="_hplink">harassed by a bus driver</a> for breastfeeding on a Detroit-area bus.

  • On A Plane

    Back in 2006, 27-year-old mom, Emily Gillette, was <a href="" target="_hplink">removed from a Delta flight</a> for breastfeeding.

    Watch a news clip about this story <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • At The Mall

    Ohio mom Rhonda claimed that she was <a href="" target="_hplink">kicked out of her local mall</a> for breastfeeding, back in February. Mall security even called for back-up.

  • At The Pool

    We've heard about <a href="" target="_hplink">these incidents</a> from coast to coast. In 2001, a mother nursing her 9-month-old was told to <a href="" target="_hplink">move away from the edge of the pool</a> so as to avoid contaminating the water with her breast milk.

  • In Her Religious Community

    One mom <a href="" target="_hplink">posted a frustrated essay</a> in November 2006, detailing her pastor telling her that photos of her breastfeeding were equivalent to pornography. She and her husband decided to leave the church after this incident.

  • At McDonald's

    Clarissa Bradford was <a href="'s" target="_hplink">kicked out of a McDonald's</a> by an assistant manager for breastfeeding her 6-month-old child in August 2010.