By Alex Orlov for Life by DailyBurn[1]

The secret is out: Training with kettlebells is a great way to increase power and strength while burning fat. Thanks to the growing popularity of these bowling bell-shaped weights, more people than ever are banging out reps of kettlebell swings, rows, snatches and Turkish getups. Research backs the bells, too: Kettlebell swings have been shown to improve maximal strength[2] and explosive strength (think: jump training). Kettlebells are also effective at building power and strength in the posterior chain (calves, glutes, hamstrings and low back).

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Still, it's not all fun and games when it comes to kettlebell training. Newbies can seriously injure themselves if they don't pay proper attention to form and programming. Here are some of the most common kettlebell training mistakes and how to correct them, including tips from DailyBurn kettlebell trainer Cody Storey.

Newbie Mistake #1: Going heavy before you've got the form down.

kettlebell workouts

Although it's tempting to grab the heaviest kettlebell that you can handle, adding weight to a movement with improper form will exponentially increase the likelihood of getting injured. Also, remember not to mix up kilograms, pounds or poods (aka Russian pounds). One pood is approximately 16.38 kilograms, or 36.11 pounds.

The fix:

Practice the basic movements with no weight while you are learning. Storey always begins his kettlebell training workouts with a few basic mobility exercises to warm up the joints. For newbies, practicing kettlebell swings while holding something light like a small towel or water bottle can help put the focus on snapping the hips forcefully forward rather than hoisting the weight.

Newbie Mistake #2 Generating force with only your upper body.

Kettlebell exercises are full-body movements -- that's what makes them so effective! Some kettlebell beginners may try to muscle their way through the movements; this is a no-no because it will put too much of a strain on the upper body.

The fix:

Practice kettlebell swings to experience this transfer of power from lower to upper body. "Keep your back nice and flat, squeeze those glutes, and think about tucking your tailbone underneath once those hips snap forward," says Storey in his Swing Clinic video as part of the DBK program.

Newbie Mistake #3: Swinging the kettlebell too fast.

kettlebell workouts

Swinging a heavy weight without control can result in a pulled muscle (or a broken television set!). It may seem exciting to whip a kettlebell around as fast as possible, but your form will suffer significantly.

The fix:

A slower, controlled movement will strengthen stability muscles and larger muscle groups at the same time. According to Storey, it's just as important to control the kettlebell on the way down as it is on the way up. Movements like the halo rely exclusively your ability to control the kettlebell as you pass it around your head using your core and shoulders for stability.

Newbie Mistake #4: Wearing thick-soled running shoes.

While super-cushioned running shoes might be worn for leg pounding runs on pavement, they aren't ideal for kettlebell training because they don't allow for natural movements of the foot, ankle and lower leg ligaments. Running shoes tend to have a cushioned heel, which raises your heel off the ground and destabilizes your natural grip on the floor.

The fix:

Try doing your kettlebell workouts in minimalist shoes (or barefoot if you have the strength). Storey jokingly calls himself "Tarzan" because he works out barefoot, though, he's spent years strengthening the muscles and ligaments of his feet. Minimalist workout shoes with thin soles are a great place to start. Classic converse sneakers can also work well until you strengthen your ankles and feet.

Newbie Mistake #5: Focusing on quantity rather than quality.

kettlebell workouts

If 10 reps are good, then 50 reps must be five times better right? Wrong! Completing 50 reps with bad form is worse that not picking up a kettlebell at all because you might be pounding out reps with the wrong technique.

The fix:

Focus on completing 10 reps of any given kettlebell exercise with perfect form before increasing reps. If you need tips on proper form, Storey teaches 15-minute kettlebell clinics as part of the DBK program on DailyBurn. Watch them a few times through before starting any new kettlebell program so you're sure to have the swing of things.

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  • Running Right

    Most runners have a love-hate relationship with the treadmill. On the one hand, it's boring and <a href="" target="_hplink">germ-infested</a>. On the other, it's often a necessary evil to get through long winters or rainy mornings. <a href="" target="_hplink">Working out outside has noted benefits</a> over hitting the gym, including improved energy and a greater likelihood to <em>keep</em> exercising. But in case you're stuck inside, we want to make sure you're doing it right. We asked three fitness experts -- personal trainer <a href="" target="_hplink">Matthew Basso</a>, president of Iron Lotus Personal Training; <a href="" target="_hplink">Jason Karp</a>, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist and the author of Running for Women and Running a Marathon For Dummies and <a href="" target="_hplink">Jay Cardiello</a>, celebrity trainer, author and creator of JCore -- to share their biggest treadmill pet peeves. Here are some of the most common mistakes they see gymgoers make, and what we should be doing instead.

  • You Crane Your Neck To Watch TV (Or Your Feet)

    Anything that throws off your posture, whether it be hunching over to watch your feet or leaning to the left for a better view of the TV, is generally a bad idea. "Your neck is pulled to the right or dropped forward and one part of the musculature is getting stretched while another is getting tightened," says Basso. The longer you're in that position, the higher your risk of injury becomes, he says. You're also likely to offset your balance, warns Karp. "You're looking to the left or to the right and your body's going to follow a little bit," he says. Slumping over can also limit your oxygen intake, says Cardiello. To guarantee you're standing your tallest, imagine someone is pouring ice water down your spine, he says. For those runners who rely on a little screen time at the gym, try to find a treadmill with a screen attached, says Cardiello, so you can face forward with your chin parallel to the ground. If your gym isn't equipped with those machines, head to the back of the room. That will keep your neck as straight as possible while still allowing you to watch overhead TVs, he says. "Keep your head, heart and hips inline when you run," he says. "You're running <em>over</em> the ground, never into the ground." Or the belt, as the case may be.

  • You're Too Zoned Out

    Clearing your mind with your favorite TV show during your run is one thing. Jumping on the treadmill with concrete fitness goals is another. "I think a lot of people who choose to use cardio equipment, yeah, they sweat, but your mind starts to wander," says Basso. "Instead of really being present and focusing on the exercise, your gait, your posture, people lose it there." A too-engrossing book or magazine, or a movie might be too distracting, says Cardiello. "Save the reading for your cooldown."

  • You Do The Same Thing Over And Over

    "One of the biggest mistakes people make [at the gym] is to do the exact same thing every time, and then wonder why they don't see results," says Karp. So shake things up, by varying the intensity, speed or incline. Try a longer and slower run one day, and a shorter and faster one on another visit, he says. A great way to mix things up <em>and</em> see results sooner is with an interval workout, says Cardiello. <a href="" target="_hplink">Short bursts of higher intensity exercise</a> can up the fat-burning powers of your workouts, improve heart health and more, not to mention save you some time. And you might also want to consider adding in a little sideways movement, says Basso. Unless you're really coordinated, don't attempt to walk backwards or do anything too fancy on a treadmill. But most people -- at a slow pace -- can handle some lateral shuffling or crossover steps, he says, to work yours muscles in different ways.

  • You Skip The Warmup

    Yes, you're busy. Some days you just want to hop on the treadmill, get it over with and get out. But skipping a warmup can lead to pain and injuries, says Basso. You don't need a lot of time, and you don't need to passively stretch, he says. Instead, take five to seven minutes for an active warmup with a "joint-by-joint approach," he says, that includes hip circles, toe touches and more. "It's more of a priority to keep your mobility and keep yourself out of pain than to start a workout," he says.

  • You Hold The Bars

    Holding onto the handrails on the treadmill might seem like a safety measure, but your workout will suffer, says Karp. Some of your bodyweight will be supported, meaning you won't have to work as hard and you won't burn as many calories, he explains. If you feel like you need to hold on, it's probably because you're going at a slightly faster speed than you're ready for, he says. "Get comfortable without holding on in increments to gain confidence at each speed," he suggests.

  • You Set The Incline Too Steep

    How often do you encounter a steep hill in the outside world that takes you an hour to climb? Exactly. Exercise should be <em>functional</em>, says Basso, and strengthen your muscles for real-world use. Plus, the steeper that incline, the more likely you'll be holding onto the bar to keep yourself on the belt. "If you have to hold on, it's either too fast or too steep," says Karp.

  • You Trust The Settings

    Between the heart-rate monitor grips on the handrail and the button for the "fat-burning" zone, there's not much worth trusting on that digital dashboard. "You can't really rely on those," says Karp. "The mathematical formulas are rough estimates based on a lot of variables," he says. And every runner is different. Since they're probably not accurate to begin with, says Cardiello, don't obsess over the numbers on your machine. "Throw a towel over the display," he says, and you might just find you work a little harder.

  • You Jump Off With The Belt Moving At Full Speed

    It might seem like taking a water break without slowing down the belt saves you time in the longrun, but not if it makes you trip and fall first. "Most people don't have the coordination to do that without risking injury," says Karp. "I see people all the time who come close to falling." Fess up, are you guilty of any of these? Did we miss any common mistakes you see at the gym? Let us know in the comments!