by Beatrice Fedor | Washington, DC | | 10/11/13 7:08 PM

What is so awesome about abortion that we should elevate it to a “human right”, be grateful for it, celebrate it, call it “choice” and “healthcare”?

What is so awesome about abortion that we should oppose safety regulations, keep Gosnells in business and expect that, since it’s legal, no one will get hurt?

What is so awesome about abortion that we should fight for risky, late-term procedures so that that children with a late, adverse diagnosis might die?

What is so awesome about abortion that we should put politics and feelings before science and truth, call the human child “tissue” or “a part of the woman’s body” and oppose informed consent laws?

What is so awesome about abortion that we should turn an imaginary switch on “wanted” or “unwanted” when positive lines appear on a pregnancy test?

What is so awesome about abortion that it should be the panacea solution to all the poor/minority woman’s problems?

What is so awesome about abortion that we should ignore the cases of coerced and forced abortions?

What is so awesome about abortion that we should sacrifice our children on the altar of “equality”?

What is so awesome about abortion that we should take potent pills without medical supervision, bleed on the very sheets where our child was conceived, flush her in the loneliness of our bathroom and live with those memories?

What is so awesome about abortion that the blood, source of life, has now become the traumatic sign of death?

What is so awesome about abortion that we should pay for humiliating, invasive surgery that destroys and vacuums our child out of the delicate temple of our body?

What is so awesome about abortion that we should take a chance with sharp (legal) tools that can perforate and scar our uterus and cause complications in later pregnancies?

What is so awesome about abortion that we have not learned from the tragic death of Tonya Reaves, Jennifer Morbelli and all the women who have lost their lives in “safe & legal” abortions?


What is so awesome about abortion that we should rationalize it, drown the traumatic memories in alcohol, accept to live in despair and shame and still be thankful because we had a “choice”?

Women have the unique power to grow and nurture life. We were meant to love and to be loved, not to take our children’s lives. Let us resist the culture of death and refuse to settle for legalized violence against our own sons and daughters.

LifeNews Note: Béatrice Fedor is a pro-woman, anti-abortion, anti-violence advocate. The mother of three was raised in a culturally Catholic family in France; embraced liberal feminism, atheism and humanism. She has served as a trade union leader, taught a creative writing class and authored an unpublished book of poetry. The scar of her abortions moved her to search for God, and by His Grace, she has found peace and healing. She joined the Silent No More Awareness Campaign in 2008.


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