PANAMA CITY – Dozens of protesters lined West 23rd Street near Wal-Mart on Sunday as part of a national day of public abortion protest organized by Life Chain, a faith-based anti-abortion group.

Protesters toted signs reading “Pray to End Abortion,” “Abortion Kills Children,” and “Adoption the Loving Option” while many passing vehicles honked their horns in solidarity. Mike Gagnon, a local auto parts and repair shop owner who is Life Chain’s area coordinator, said the tone of the rally is meant to be non-confrontational. Except for an instance in which protesters were shouted at by a passing SUV, that tone was sustained.

“We haven’t been given the finger today, so that’s good,” said Kathy Kichura, a local occupational therapist who participated in the hour-long rally.

For such an emotionally-charged issue, it’s important to share your opinion peacefully, Gagnon said.

“It’s not finger-pointing,” he said, “it’s actually a prayer chain, and we’re here to pray to end abortion.”

Gagnon added that he hoped the curbside rally would influence any pregnant women considering abortion who drove down West 23rd Street on Sunday. Joanne Crouch shared his sentiment.

“Aggressiveness will never work,” she said. “This is about supporting the pregnant mom and trying to help her with a loving alternative.”

Protesters had several ant-abortion prayers printed on the back of their signs. Gagnon was wearing a sticker that said “Vote Pro-Life,” but said the rally is meant to be exclusive to politics.

“We’re here to raise awareness that abortion may not be a good option for a lot of people. We’re here to say that we believe in the sanctity of human life, from conception all the way to death. We’re here to be the voice of the most innocent tiny children that can’t speak up,” he said.

While protesters mainly discussed abortion as a matter of faith, family and morality, some did allude to its place in the political arena.

“It’s just a real sad thing that it’s accepted by our administration now. It’s murder,” Kichura said.


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