South Florida consumers who are able to penetrate the "Obamacare" computer system are sorting through dozens of health insurance plans and finding some of the lowest — and some of the highest — premiums in the country.

The result is an odd mix of sticker shock and pleasant surprises.

After bumping into the usual error messages during six days of failed attempts, Ed Davis, 55, of Coconut Creek, finally got into, the government website for buying insurance, and immediately liked what he saw: 132 plans at a range of prices.

He picked an Aetna plan that offers a $6,000 deductible, $20 co-pays for primary-care visits and $10 co-pays for generic drugs — all at $327 a month after applying a tax credit that reduced his cost by $165.

"So I'm thrilled. I love it," said Davis, a diabetic who has had a bare-bones insurance plan that would not meet the minimum standards set by the new health-care law. "If I ever have a big problem, which is possible, I'm covered."

Not everyone is so thrilled.

In South Florida, one of the most competitive markets in the country, insurers are offering some sweet-sounding deals to attract those who shop for the cheapest insurance plans and lowest premiums, much like a store that offers discounts to get you in the door.

Yet medical costs in the region are among the highest in the country, so the high-end insurance plans with extensive coverage and lots of frills are relatively expensive.

"I'm a little disappointed, but I'm not giving up," said Bob Rountree, 66, of Deerfield Beach, one of the few consumers able to tap into the website last week. "I think in the end I'm going to come out of it with a policy that's less expensive than we have now, with more coverage. But it'll take more work to get there."

Rates for a Broward family of four for a "Bronze" plan that covers 60 percent of the cost of care range from $433 a month, the lowest rate in the state, to as much as $990, one of the highest in the state. In Palm Beach County, the range is $497 to $933.

Those who qualify for a tax credit — generally, individuals who earn up to $46,000 a year or families of four that make up to $94,200 — would pay far less. The credits can knock hundreds of dollars off monthly premiums, depending on your family size, income and the cost of plans where you live.

"Everybody is racing to be the low-end carrier for purposes of getting people in," said Julian Lago, a health insurance agent in Palm Beach Gardens. "Those who qualify for a subsidy [tax credit] do see an advantage. But unless you get a subsidy — basically a government discount for the premium — there isn't any reduction. The rates tend to be more expensive than the plans were previously."

The most expensive plans are in the Florida Keys — ranging from $819 to $1,115 for Bronze policies – reflecting their relative isolation, followed by rural counties Hardee, Gadsden and Jefferson. Miami-Dade County has a range of $550 to $1,020 for Bronze policies.

In Orlando and other less-competitive markets with fewer insurers, doctors and hospitals, the rates are relatively high even at the lower end. Unsubsidized Bronze plans for a family in Orange County, for example, range from $615 to $906 a month.

"It's very shocking to most us, these premiums. Unless you get major subsidies, you are still paying a lot of money," said Leslie Glogau, an agent in Maitland.

"In South Florida, the competition for business is so intense they give it away almost. They give you unbelievable benefits down south. But here, the competition is not so humongous, so they have more opportunity to set the rates a little higher."

Consumers are just getting their first look at prices and policies because few have been able to get past glitches that have bedeviled the online marketplace Exchange that opened with much fanfare on Oct. 1.

Comparisons between new and previous rates are difficult to make because the new law sets minimum standards that require far broader coverage than many current plans and forbids insurers from rejecting patients with pre-existing health conditions.

Many consumers will find that they can get more coverage, lower deductibles and better benefits — such as free preventive medical tests — but will have to pay more.

"Floridians are going to have some sticker shock," said Jamie Johnson, an agent in Fort Lauderdale and president of the Broward Association of Health Underwriters. "[Many] were expecting to be able to get insurance for $25 a month, and it's just not realistic.


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