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GPS for

the Soul


The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life -- and your well-being -- off course. GPS For The Soul can help you find your way back to balance.

GPS Guides are our way of showing you what has relieved others' stress in the hopes that you will be able to identify solutions that work for you. We all have de-stressing "secret weapons" that we pull out in times of tension or anxiety, whether they be photos that relax us or make us smile, songs that bring us back to our heart, quotes or poems that create a feeling of harmony, or meditative exercises that help us find a sense of silence and calm. We encourage you to look at the GPS Guide below, visit our other GPS Guides here[2] , and share with us your own personal tips for finding peace, balance and tranquility.

By Fulvia Morales

When was the last time you laughed so hard it hurt? How about the last time you sang in the shower? Better yet, the last time you made up a song and then sang it in the shower?

Reconnecting with our inner child allows us to remember the things that once made us feel safe, fulfilled and happy. It is an opportunity to recover our hopes and dreams and to look at our life through a judgment-free lens. The trusting, fun-loving and perceptive little kid inside of us knows how perfect and awesome we are. The inner child is an untapped source of energy. So, hold him or her close to your heart, tell them how much you love them and let them out once in awhile -- you will be surprised when they teach you a thing or two about life. Below, find eight easy ways to reconnect and celebrate the little kid inside of you.

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  • 1. Retry Things You Loved Doing After School

    Go to the playground, play hide-and-seek or participate in a scavenger hunt to find the lost treasure of the pirates. Going outdoors will increase your physical activity, which consequently leads to improving your fitness.

  • 2. Stop Obsessing Over Every Single Thing

    Once upon a time you used to be care-free! Let go of worries and see the world around you just like you did when you were little. Set yourself free -- at least today -- and stop sweating the small things. Your soul, body and mind will be infinitely thankful for a stress-free day.

  • 3. Call Your Daughter (Or Son, Niece, Nephew) And Look Through Her Eyes

    Invite a little one in your life to build mud castles, blow bubbles, jump rope, paint your nails, dress up or eat snack-sized puddings. Let your inner child play with them and join them in their imaginary world. This will ignite your creativity and renovate your openness to new experiences.

  • 4. Don't Obsess Over Calories

    Treat yourself to a fudge-coated something that looks so fattening it just screams "Eat me!" Indulging your sweet tooth will boost your mood; you can later use the energy boost to continue your everyday tasks.

  • 5. Turn Chores Into Fun

    After doing the laundry, lie in the basket of clothes and just feel the warmth. While cleaning your room, try on different outfits and dance to fun music. As Mary Poppins says, "With a spoonful of sugar, the medicine goes down." This activity will allow you to see the fun parts in the daunting tasks.

  • 6. Throw A Slumber Party

    Invite your friends and make sure there's lots of candy, Nutella and movies. Spending time with friends is both fun and healthy -- they bring back those good childhood memories, lessen grief and push you toward achieving your goals. Maintaining positive relationships is as important as healthy eating and exercise, so make room for your friends.

  • 7. Celebrate Small Victories

    Remember when you were a child and you received a shiny gold star for tying your shoelaces correctly? It's time to go back to celebrating those seemingly inconsequential accomplishments and give a little love to yourself for all the hard work you put into each day. This will help you focus on the positive and boost your self-esteem.

  • 8. Sing In The Shower

    Extra points if you sing a song you made up. Some studies say <a href="" target="_blank">singing has the same benefits a yoga</a>. Bathroom singing is fun and is a guilty pleasure everyone should enjoy.

Fulvia Morales[3] is a Mexican young leader and entrepreneur. Formerly working in the global financial services industry, she is now shaping her career in CSR and nonprofits. Committed to doing the (extra) work to change the world, she is co-founder of VoluntariosMX and a StartingBloc Fellow. She writes about life, career development, entrepreneurship and Mexican politics. She has been featured in diverse Mexican leading media groups.

For more GPS Guides, click here[4] .