Paul Karason, who shot to fame for the shocking color of his skin, has died.

Karason, 62, died Monday at a Washington hospital[1] . The cause of death is not yet known, but he had recently suffered a heart attack and a stroke after a bout of pneumonia, his estranged wife told TODAY.

His skin had turned its deep hue after he used colloidal silver to treat a skin disorder. He later said he never would have used the compound if he knew about this startling side effect, Morning Rush reported in the video clip above.

He faced a number of health problems[2] , including prostate cancer, but said he was optimistic that his skin was beginning to lighten in a second TODAY interview in 2009.

Watch the full clip above and click over to TODAY[3] for more.

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  • Double-Leg Transplant

    <strong>When and Where:</strong> July 2011, Spain

    A young man in his 20s underwent a <a href="" target="_hplink">10-hour surgery in Valencia</a> just last Sunday to give him a new set of legs. Doctors hope that the patient will be able to walk with the help of crutches within about a year -- depending on how his nerves regenerate.

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    Photo Credit: Getty

  • Artificial Windpipe

    <strong>When and Where:</strong> July 2011, Sweden

    Not only did this surgery mark the <a href="" target="_hplink">first time an artificial windpipe was transplanted</a>, but it also marked the first time any synthetic organ had been transplanted. The windpipe was created in a lab in England and then coated in the patient's stem cells before the <a href="" target="_hplink">12-hour surgery began</a>. These cells mean that he does not have to fear organ rejection, as most transplant patients do and is not on any sort of immunosuppressive drugs.

  • Full-Face Transplant

    <strong>When and Where: </strong>March 2010, Spain

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    The <a href="" target="_hplink">first full-face transplant in the United States</a> occurred this past May.

  • U.S. Double-Hand Transplant

    <strong>When and Where:</strong> May 2009, Pittsburgh

    Although it was the ninth double-hand transplant in the world, the nine-hour surgery marked the <a href="" target="_hplink">first time that this procedure had been done in the United States</a>. Georgia native Jeff Kepner, 58, had lost his hands 10 years earlier to a bacterial infection. Although the surgery was an initial success, Kepner is <a href="" target="_hplink">still undergoing intensive physical therapy</a> and has not regained full control over his new apendages.

    Photo Credit: Getty

  • Technological Innovation

    More and more, technological innovation is the driving force behind saving lives through transplantation. At recent TED conferences, two lectures were given that clearly demonstrated the exciting progress that is on the horizon.

    At TEDMED 2010, thoracic surgeon, Dr. Shaf Keshavjee, M.D., <a href="" target="_hplink">showed the audience a machine that allows an organ to survive</a> for an extended period of time outside of the body at a normal temperature. This allows an organ to be examined and treated before it is put into the recipient's body. Keshavejee demonstrated the machine's efficacy by allowing audience members to come up at touch a live pig's lung that had been recovered earlier that day.

    At a TED conference this past March, <a href="" target="_hplink">Dr. Anthony Atala used a bioprinting machine</a> to print out the mold of a human kidney. As this technology is developed further, scientists hope that it could eventually (most likely not for years) lead to the ability to print out fully-functional, artificial organs.

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