Today's cute kid note[1] is a real-life veggie tale.

Title: Cloudy With A Chance Of Kale

Author: Alex

Age: 5

The assignment: Alex's kindergarten class read Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and each student was supposed to draw a picture about the book.

The approach: Meatball-free. Alex's mom told us their family adopted a new healthy lifestyle and went vegetarian together.

Up next: If he's on board for future interpretations, we'd like to see a vegetarian version of "Sharknado."[2]

kid note kale

Has your child drawn or written something adorable? Send a photo, along with your child's name and age, to or via Facebook[3] or Twitter[4] -- and it may be featured as our Cute Kid Note of the Day[5] .

Next Cute Kid Note of the Day: If The Shoe Fits...[6]

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  • An Opinion Question

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  • Macy's School Hairstyles

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  • Stating The Obvious

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  • Three Sentences That Mean The World

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  • Goals For 3rd Grade

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  • Dear Bill Clinton

    Author: Young "Scooter" Cheeks Posted by: Grown-up Scooter Cheeks, now known as Reddit user <a href="" target="_blank">champscheeks</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Click Here To Read The Full Note</a>

  • One Track, His Mind Is

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  • A Note From The Teacher

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  • If The Shoe Fits...

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  • No Toking

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  • 'You Are A Superhero'

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  • For Mommy

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  • Fantasy vs. Reality

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  • An iPad Note For Mom

    <strong>Author</strong>: Jasmine <strong>Age</strong>: 8 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note </em></a>

  • Snax

    <strong>Author</strong>: Blogger <a href="'s&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13721683577057" target="_blank">Kim Bongiorno's </a>daughter/future <a href="" target="_blank">party planner</a> <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • "Dear Tooth Fairy..."

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  • Dear Obama

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  • Three Little Words From A Boy With Autism

    <strong>Author</strong>: Redditor <a href="" target="_blank">EFCFrost's</a> son who is on the spectrum (via <a href="" target="_blank">Imgur</a>) <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Happy Father's Day

    <strong>Author:</strong> Elias <strong>Age:</strong> 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note </em></a>

  • Dad Is Really Cranky

    <strong>Author:</strong> Lucy <strong>Age:</strong> 7 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • My Hero

    <strong>Author</strong>: Rhett <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • The Daddy Trofy

    <strong>Author</strong>: Reddit user <a href="" target="_blank">georgeresch's</a> stepdaughter <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • T Is For...

    <strong>Author</strong>: Unknown (<a href="" target="_blank"><em>via Reddit</em></a>) <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Interpreting Remainders

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  • Shine Bright

    <strong>Author:</strong> Elizabeth <strong>Age:</strong> 6 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Mommy Fact Sheet

    <strong>Author:</strong> Lilly Wells <strong>Grade level:</strong> Kindergarten <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Say, Listen, And Circle

    <strong>Author:</strong> Ascha <strong>Age:</strong> 5 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Places That I Have Been To

    <strong>Author</strong>: Ryleigh <strong>Age</strong>: 8 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • "Col Me Baby"

    <strong>Author:</strong> Abby <strong>Age:</strong> 5 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Happy Things To Think About

    <strong>Author:</strong> Sadie <strong>Age:</strong> 8 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • I Am A Freeloader

    <strong>Author</strong>: Frankie (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • A Middle Schooler's Sage Advice

    <strong>Author</strong>: Unknown (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Grade</strong>: 6th <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Happy Early Mother's Day

    <strong>Author</strong>: Emma <strong>Age</strong>: 10 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note </em></a>

  • "I Will Miss You..."

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  • The Daddy Guilt Trip

    <strong>Author:</strong> Reddit user <a href="" target="_hplink">neightdog</a>'s son (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Age:</strong> 7 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • She Knows Her Colors

    <strong>Author</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank">Keith Yurgosky's</a> daughter <strong>Level of education</strong>: Preschool <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • Kid's Awkwardly Epic Spelling Mistake

    <strong>Author</strong>: Reddit user <a href="" target="_blank">imtheotherguynow</a>'s youngest child (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Positive Ways Our Family Handles Stress

    <strong>Author</strong>: Reddit user <a href="" target="_blank">Ltravis's</a> little sister (<a href="" target="_blank">via Imgur</a>) <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Click here to read the full note</em></a>

  • I Feel The Pain

    <strong>Author</strong>: Zac <strong>Age</strong>: 9 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Waiting For Baby

    <strong>Author</strong>: Jamie <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Things To Do To Bother Nick

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  • "I Really Love To Sing But..."

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  • Joshua's Timeline

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  • How To Be A Cool Person

    <strong>Author</strong>: Scarlett <strong>Age</strong>: 7 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Matthew Had 20 Girlfriends...

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  • A Crying Little Devil

    <strong>Author</strong>: Tyler <strong>Age</strong>: 10 <em><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • My Ideal Friend

    <strong>Author:</strong> Kyle <strong>Age:</strong> 8 <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Dear Disney Cruise Line

    <strong>Author</strong>: Ethan <strong>Age</strong>: 8 <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • A Love Letter To Mom

    <strong>Author</strong>: Carlos <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • Sisterly Love?

    <strong>Author</strong>: Audrey <strong>Age</strong>: 6 <em><a href="">Click here to read the full note</a></em>

  • I've Never Seen A Man Cry Before

    <strong>Author</strong>: Carter <strong>Age</strong>: 9 <em><a href="" target="_hplink">Click here to read the full note</a></em>