Anita Perry, wife of Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), declared Saturday that abortion "could be a women's right."

When pressed on women's rights by Texas Tribune's Evan Smith at the 2013 Texas Tribune Festival, the First Lady of Texas said, "That's really difficult for me, Evan, because I see it as a women's right. If they want to do that, that is their decision; they have to live with that decision."

"Mrs. Perry, I want to be sure you didn't just inadvertently make news," Smith replied. "Are you saying that you believe abortion is a women's right, to make that choice?"

Smith pressed again, asking if she believed it's a person's decision within the law, to which Anita Perry replied, "Yeah, that could be a women's right. Just like it's a man's right if he wants to have some kind of procedure. But I don't agree with it, and that's not my view."

Rick Perry signed new abortion restrictions into law this summer, banng abortions 20 weeks after fertilization. The first lady of Texas said "Texas has decided that no, that is not what we want."

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